Chp 3: Caught my Eye

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Buttercup and Caramella walk to their lockers that were next to each others and put their backpacks away. When they get to their class, Someone catches Buttercups eye. It was a Pretty girl with silk floating cloud-like pastel hair. "Looking at anyone interesting?" Caramella said in a very cheesy and curious voice. "N-no! Just... *sigh* ok maybe the girl with the pastel hair." Buttercup seemed as if he felt safer when he first laid eyes on her. 

"Well.. Maybe you should go TALK to her!" "W-why?! What if i screw EVERYTHING up!?" Buttercup keeps ranting on about how hes gonna mess up the girl and his relationship with each other. suddenly the girl spots Buttercup. "Oh? He seems stressed. Should i-" "You like him don't you?" The other girls in the group were Jessica, Penny, And the Love of HIS life, Lilly. "Well it was nice to see you guys, im gonna go see if hes ok!" Lilly goes up to Buttercup to see what all the ranting was about. "Hello. I couldn't help but notice you seemed like you had a bit of trouble?" Lilly only wanted to help poor Buttercup. (more like LOVER cup! XD anyways) 

"o-oh no im o-o-ok! so your'e the new person?" Buttercup grew as red as a rose, he couldn't stop blushing from how cute Lilly was. "Yup! Hehe that's me! Anyways, im Lilly! Whats your name?" "The names Buttercup! You can call me Butter for short! <:#)" Buttercup just couldn't get enough of how cute Lilly looked that he couldn't stop blushing. "Oh are you ok? You seem light headed!" Lilly starts to panic thinking to herself 'DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG DID I HURT HIM OMG!'. "No im ok its just from.. how HOT the room is heheh!" Suddenly the teacher barges into the classroom like there was a fire or something. "Sorry im late class just the meeting took so long i lost track of time! Anyways, take your seats!" The Teacher Mr.Phillip was a very kind-hearted person but can be a bit stompy.

"Before we begin attendance, I would like to announce that we have a new student joining us! Lilly, would you like to come in front of the class and say a bit about yourself?" Lilly walks to the front of the class like if she was on a tight rope, so scared and anxious that she might screw up what she is going to say. "H-hi My names L-Lilly and i used to live i-in California and my hobby is Drawing!" She grew more confident about herself towards the end. "Thank you Lilly you may now go sit!" Phillip just wanted to get the lesson over with. "Now for the attendance, Cathie? present! Josh? Here! Buttercup? Here. Caramella? hello!" Phillip continued the list in a hurry for some reason. 

"Alright, now onto Math!" Everyone lets out a big, lazy, bored sigh from how they all HATED  math. The test was handed out to everyone without a care in the world. "Hey Butter? Could we maybe meet at lunch? I don't wanna feel alone." "sure! Just remind me i m-mostly forget everything!" Lilly had a bright smile across her face when he said yes. They continue and Lilly was shockingly the first one done in under 3 minutes! "Wow Lilly! You finished very quickly! You must have a very well interest in math!" "My Sister would ALWAYS convince me into thinking math was fun by games we made up!" They both silently laughed and Lilly went right back to her seat because of how she doesn't like communicating to people that much.

Minutes passed and Buttercup was the last one to finish. "THAT took some time didn't it 'Mr. Genius'." Phillip wasn't very happy with Buttercup as usual. By the time Buttercup went back to his seat, Lilly started to get the same marks Buttercup had on his face but they looked as if they were puzzle pieces. "Whoa Lilly You do realize there are some sort of marks appearing on your face right?" "W-WHAT!?" Lilly was terrified to see that She looked like a Indian with Face Paint. "Well you do too, Buttercup, but their..glowing?" "Yours too!" Lilly and Buttercup were confused on the situation that was going on.

They both barge out of the classroom without asking and head straight to the bathroom. "What are these marks?!"I DON'T KNOW!" They try to rub the marks off, but nothing worked. Soon enough, weird wings grew behind Lilly and Buttercup as if they were angels. "Whoa!" "THAT'S not something you'd see everyday!" They were amazed that the capabilities of the marks were so unique. "What will everybody think though? They'll think were FREAKS!" Lilly was Panicked about how they would react to them.

"Well, Well have to wait and see!"

Scary Future for Both of us~A Cuphead O.C. Story!Where stories live. Discover now