Chp 7: A New Leaf

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The two sprinted downstairs approaching loads of smoke from the kitchen. Buttercup flaps his wings to clear up the smoke and all they could see is a black crinkly somehow bacon. "Welp, i guess were having only pancakes hehe.. sorry bout the bacon incident!" "Oh its fine! I'll eat practically anything anyways!" As Lilly and Caramella were preparing the table for Breakfast, Buttercup went to go watch T.V hoping Lilly would join him. Buttercups plan eventually failed though.


"Butter, get over here for Breakfast~!" Buttercup didn't budge though because of how rude Caramel sounded. "Oh Butter~! Breakfaaast~!" Lilly said in a sweet and calm voice. "Oh ok be right there!" I guess butter only listens to Lilly now instead of his own sister. Buttercup seats himself as his hand slowly approaches the pancakes to get the fresh one first. "Ahem! Forgetting something?" Caramel points towards the kitchen straight to his orange juice. 


"Oh shit! Its probably as hot as-" "Lilly?" The room went dead silent after Caramel cut Butter off for a couple seconds. "Im j-j-just gonna........ go get d-drink be b-b-back in a f-few!" Butter flings out of the Dining room like a rock in a slingshot.  "Ok then now that hes gone; Do you like him back?" Lilly went silent for a couple seconds. "*Sigh* Maybe a l-little. PLEASE DONT TELL HIM IM SCARED IF HE REALLY DOESNT LI-" "Sshh.." Caramel cut her off and hugged her because she knew Lilly was scared. "Can i get more water? I just suddenly feel a bit dizzy.." Caramel nodded and Lilly sprinted into the kitchen, Caramel knew what was going on.


"God if she does find out in FUCKED!" Buttercup just rambles on and on until Lilly enters the Kitchen and hears Butter say He likes her. "Hey Bu-" "AAaAh! Uhh... hiii." "Ah i didnt mean to scare you im so sorry i promise i wont do it again!" They just stood there in silence as Lilly puts down her cup and walks up to Butter. "Hey Butter? Can i ask you something?" Buttercup slowly nods. "Yeah whats up?" "D-do you.......You...." Lilly just stutters for a couple seconds. "Come on spit i-" "DO YOU LIKE ME?" Butters eyes widened as if he saw Jesus or something. "Heh... how did ya kno-" something cut Butter off before he could even finish his sentence.


It was Lillys lips colliding with Butters passionately. "Her lips were so warn and soft...i cant do anything but just continue.' Butter thought. Buttercup bites Lillys bottom lip for approval and before she could say 'ow' Butters tongue touches and curls up with Lillys. They finally let go and a string of saliva was still keeping their mouths connected. Butter giggles very quietly all of a sudden.


"Maybe we should get back before Caramel finds out." Lilly nods of approval and they both head back to the table but Caramel was gone. "Caramel? CARAMEL?" "I think she said she was going to the store to buy something if i can remember." Suddenly Butters phone rings. It was Caramel. "I gotta take this be back!"Buttercup goes outside on the Porch and sits down as the Cold Breeze flows through his Hair. "Whats going on?" Buttercup says in a curious voice.


"Hey just wondering, do you think..maybe... Lilly could stay with us?" "What do you mean forever or the ni-" "Forever." Butters eyes widened and his cheeks glowed a bright red to a blood red in under a second. "I'll ask Her.. Ill be back." Butter mutes the phone and leaves it on the Porch to remember it was still gonna be there. "Hey Lilly?" "Yeah?" Butter was thinking to himself 'Is this the right thing? i mean the only sleeping option for her would be with Caramel or Me. Worth it though! Here goes nothing!' "Do you wanna stay with us since you have no one to stay with at your house? I know it sounds wei-" "YES!" Lilly jumps up from the couch and sprints up to Butter to hug him. They both fall to the ground hugging each other to death. "I gotta go tell Caramel the BIG NEWS!" Butter sprints out onto the porch to go tell Caramel.


Buttercup put the phone off mute and yelled "SHE SAID YES!!!!" "Oww, not too loud! jeez!" Caramel thought her (non existent XD) ears were gonna bleed to death. "Well i/ll go grab her stuff and bring it back to out house! I'd prefer you tell her as well Be back see ya!" They both hung up and Buttercup ran into the house and told Lilly about Caramel going to get her stuff. They all were so excITED! Caramella came home to see everyone running around the house in excitement.


They all helped get Lillys stuff in a spare room they had for guests but this certain guest was more than just a guest. (i said guest in that sentence like 3 times XD.) 


To Be Continued!

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