Chp 6: Sweet Nightmare

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Buttercup falls bottom first into a black abyss he easily recognized from his nightmares. Suddenly, Lilly was right next to him from thin air. "Jesus this again?" "I guess so." Minutes passed  by suddenly beginning to feel like years. Then they began to approach a strange figure appearing to look like the figure in both of their "Dreams" But it looked a lot more sinister than before. 

"Umm...B-buttercup? I don't think that's the monster weve been seeing."Both of them shocked in a little bit of fear as the monster slowly approaches them. Looking at Buttercup then to Lilly back and forth like they were doing a magic trick. The monster suddenly glanced at Lilly and ran towards her instead of Buttercup. Then the monster stopped right in front of Lillys feet and just stared for a couple seconds. The monster suddenly out of the blank picked up the two as if they were a King and Queen.

The monster soon ended up sprinting towards a tiny light in the distance. "HEY where are YOU TAKING US?!" Then the monster dropped them both into a cage of ink bars that were as hard as steel. Soon enough Ink was bleeding through the ceiling and was filling up the cage until it was full. "P-please make IT STOP!" The ink got to their heads thinking it was the end for the both of them. They once again dropped into a black ocean with a white sky.

"LILLY? WHERE ARE YOU?! PLEASE ANSWER M-" Buttercup then hears a tinted yelp behind him. "I CANT *chokes* CANT SWIM HELP!!!" She soon enough sunk into the black abyss of the deep ocean and soon enough Buttercup swam in to get her and yanked her by the arm to get her onto his back. Buttercup swam up as fast as he could without hesitation. "*Gasp* Where the HELL is there land here!?" He spots a tiny island with a palm tree on top like a an ice cream sundae with a cherry on top. He desperately swims towards the tiny island and gently lays down Lilly along with himself.

"Lilly are you ok?" There was dead silence other than the calm ocean waves surrounding them. A loud cough arose from Lillys voice along with a flood of water spilling out of her mouth like a broken Sippy cup. "Where *cough* are we now?" "I don't know but i'll find a way to get us out of here!" suddenly a door opens up in front of them luring the two to go in. "Well..should we?" "It looks like our only hope of getting out of here." They both walk into the pitch white door, suddenly they both wake up to each other hugging as if they were protecting each other from something.

"Guys i heard strange noises of someone screaming is eve-" Caramella walks in to see the two holding each other to death. "I ship it!" she whispered under her breath in excitement. "JUST LEAVE CARAMEL!" Caramella suddenly sprints out of the room and downstairs and smells something burning. It was the bacon that was burning to a pulp. "Aah crap!" The fire alarm goes off very loudly enough for Buttercup and Lilly to worry.

"Lets go and just forget what just happened kay?" Buttercup says with a bright smile as if he forgot about the nightmare they just went through.


Scary Future for Both of us~A Cuphead O.C. Story!Where stories live. Discover now