victoria (2)

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i deleted the victoria 2 that i posted earlier and decided to change it up a bit~onedirectiongurl16

I guess I should start out by telling you how me and harrys love affair started.

It was early November and since I live in Florida the weather was still pretty hot. I was getting ready for my most dreaded class .Gym. Now I don’t have a lot of muscle. Scratch that I have practically none at all. So gym class ends of being quite a challenge for me . the worst part of gym is climbing that big rope that goes from the floor to the ceiling. Luckily that day we were only running the mile.  

I was about half way through the mile when my lungs started to burn . My legs were already screaming at me to stop. But of course I couldn’t . I kept running until I started to get dizzy . Everything around me was spinning. I stopped running and leaned down to rest my hands on my knees. I was gasping for air everything seemed like it was going in slow motion until me touched me. I jumped slightly as I felt his hand rest of the small of my back.

“ hey are you alright” someone asked

I nodded and he bent down so I could see who was touching me. It was none other then harry styles . the boy that girls through themselves at.

He looked at me for a second before he stood up

“ mr. coper I think she needs to sit down for a minute” harry yelled to mr . coper 

As much as I wanted to protest and prove to myself that I could finish the mile I knew that If I didn’t sit down I would probably pass out and embarrass myself even more.

mr. coiper nodded his head and waved his clip board over at the bleachers. coper only cared about what the boys of the football team were doing during gym class. He made that perfectly clear at the beginning of the year.

Harry helped me over to the bleachers then sat down next to me. I looked up at him and gave him a questioning look

“ shouldn’t you finish the mile”I asked still slightly out of breath

He shrugged

“ but youre on the foot ball team wont coper get mad at you if you don’t” I asked

He shrugged again “ I don’t care if he does I will just make it up to him at the game tonight, by the way are you coming”

I shook my head “ football isn’t  really my thing”

“ oh” he said looking slightly disappointed “ I’m harry by the way”

He extended his hand for me to shake which I thought was a little odd but I shook it anyway

“ Victoria” I said

“ nice name” he complemented

“ uh thanks” I said still trying to catch my breath “ well thanks for helping me back there im not really a fan of running mainly because im no good at it”

He laughed “ no problem I was happy to help considering you looked like you were going to pass out”

I blushed out of embarrassment and laughed awkwardly  

Coper blew his whistle signaling that gym was over .

“ I better get my stuff and get going I promised my mom I would be home in time for dinner” I said getting up

“ okay well I hope you reconsider coming to the football game tonight I’d like to hang out with you after , how about I give you my number and you can text me if you decide to come” he said getting up

I was slightly taken aback by how abrupt he was I mean I met him like 5 minutes ago and he already was giving me his number .

Once we exchanged numbers I went to change out of my gym clothes . Gym was my last class so i headed home afterwards.


After dinner I went upstairs to shower and get ready for the football game. I decided to go since this was really the first time I had ever been invited to a school football game and well I wouldn’t mind seeing harry again. I sent a quick text to harry telling him I was going to go to the game .


When I got to the game I sat in the second row of the bleachers . harry waved at me from the bench he was sitting on with  a couple other guys and let me tell you harry looked quite good in his football uniform . His wave caused a couple girls around me to send me dirty looks including 2 cheerleaders.


After we won the game I was getting ready to leave when harry stopped me . and what he said to me just about made me pass out.

i hope you like it comment or vote if you want another chapter~onediectongurl16

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