An Accusation Too Far

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It was a normal day, Zeb was sleeping in his bunk, Sabine was eating in the galley, or at least that's what Ezra thought Sabine was doing... she was very unpredictable when it came to where she was or what she was doing. Ezra himself was with Kanan outside the Ghost, training, if sitting outside on the ground meditating can be called training.

"Ezra, focus, once you can focus, you can start meditating." Kanan said. He knew Ezra can meditate, but it was only in short intervals that Ezra could properly focus enough to meditate. He wanted to train Ezra so he could meditate and concentrate more in general. "Kanan, I have meditated before, I know how it works. The problem is that for one, I'm hungry, and two, knowing that you are hungry is distracting me so let's get something to eat, and then we can continue training my patience or whatever you were trying to do." Ezra responded to Kanan, who had to admit, that he was quite hungry but more over he was surprised as to how Ezra knew he was trying to train his patience, completely forgetting that Ezra knew he was hungry as well, even though he hadn't made any noise, or any other indication that he was hungry. "Wait, how did you know that I was trying training your patience?" Kanan asked. "I'll tell you later, for now, I want some food." Ezra said, sounding annoyed for some reason, as he made his way to the galley.

"Oh don't even start..." Sabine muttered to herself. "Start what?" Ezra asked, oblivious to Sabines annoyance. As far as he knew, he hadn't done anything. Sabine was caught off guard since she thought she said it quiet enough for him not to hear, so quickly told him what she thought before she started confusing herself with thought overload. "Your damn flirting like always, that's what you were coming to do, weren't you? Well the answer is no, again, like always." Ezra felt a bit mad at the accusation. "How did you come to that conclusion? I didn't even say anything." Ezra had, with a little bit of difficulty, gotten over Sabine just yesterday. He understood that if she didn't want him, then he would stop bothering her so they could more focus on working together like a team and a family. "Well Sabine, guess it's your lucky day. You've made it crystal clear that you don't care about me in that way, so I guess I might as well stop. So we can work better as a team and a family... maybe..." Ezra told Sabine, not that Sabine believed it. It seemed a bit too mature for Ezra, which in a way was true, especially considering how he had been acting just days before. "Nice little story there Ezra. You think someone might actually believe that?" This took Ezra by surprise, and made him mad, but also dissapointed, as he expected that someone like Sabine could tell that he was being sincere. "Well... if you don't believe that then that is not much of my problem anyway, now is it? But let me ask you one thing... what would I need to do to make you believe me? Or are you just that biased against me that you can't even tell when I'm being sincere? I have thought about it, for the entire day yesterday, even going far into the night to sort things out, what to say, and how to say it. I meant everything I said. I'm gonna give you an ultimatum, either you think through what I said, and come to a proper conclusion, not based on you bias against me, or I gone from this ship by tomorrow." Ezra challenged Sabine. He knew Sabine enough from his time on the ship to know that she was stubborn and wasn't going to think all that through so he went to ready his stuff, take it to the cargo bay. Kanan had gone to fetch Hera and Zeb when the conversation between Ezra and Sabine started, as they were usually quite entertaining for them, but this time they were left in a stunned silence as Ezra had never shown any sign that he would have such a thing on his mind. That determination in his voice when he gave Sabine the ultimatum was never heard before. It made them sure that he wasn't kidding when he said that he would leave the ship by tomorrow. Hera started making her way to the cockpit.

"Hey Hera, could we go to Alderaan? I have some things I think I can find in the markets there." Ezra asked Hera thru the com as he was packing his bag. Hera, already knowing what Ezra was actually planning, wasn't going to take him there without her at least arguing a bit for him to stay. "Ezra... We know what you want to do... Please stay, with you here, Kanan has been a lot happier than he was previously, and Sabine will realize that what she said is wrong. You know that." Hera asked, sadness in her voice crystal clear. Though Ezra was a little surprised that Hera had been so direct, he still replied in a flat voice. "Hera, you know better than anyone how stubborn Sabine is, and if she can't just accept what I said as the truth, then I can't see how I can stay as a part of this team, this family if one of them doesn't even trust me." Ezra replied, explaining more in depth as to why he was leaving from Sabines distrust at his words. He hadn't meant to of course, but as he was talking to the person who had readily accepted him and basically adopted him, he found it impossible to not tell he why. His determination wavered for a moment, as Hera had already become an adoptive mother to him. The mother he had never really met but had needed for the longest time. But it was only for a moment. The next they were in hyperspace as Hera accepted Ezra's explanation. He felt something trying to prod around in his mind, but he instantly blocked it and sighed. He knew Kanan would try to prod around in his mind to find something to keep him there, but he didn't know how much Ezra had evolved in his training. Ezra was still impatient, unable to stay put, and had the attention span of a Lothcat. Ezra for a split second imagine a world where Sabine would come and tell him to stay, that she had thought through what he said and understood that he actually had wanted to just stay friends and as a family. He knew it wouldn't happen, but a man can dream.

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