Message Received

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Everyone were pretty much lazying around after the last mission to raid an imperial camp to get fuel, ammo, food, and information. One moment everyone was comfy, and the other they were scrambling to get to the common room. Hera had called everyone into the common room, hope, even happiness in her voice clear as day. "What is it Hera? I was having a good dream." Zeb grumbled. "Guys, Ezra has finally contacted us." That got everyone's attention. "What, what do you mean?" Sabine asked. Hera showed them the transmission that got sent out across the galaxy.

"This message comes from the Phantom crew and is directed at the Ghost crew. I, the leader of the Phantom crew challenge the Ghost crew to a battle to either death or till surrender. The battle will take place on Florrum, at the old pirate base." He took a quick break lasting less than a second, "I will expect to see you there in exactly 2 days."   

"Wait, Florrum? Where the hell is that?" Zeb asked. He knew of the planet and the abandoned pirate base, but he didn't know where the planet itself was. This was also the case for Sabine, though she had a rough idea of where it might be. "It is in the Outer rim, but that is as much as I know of the place." Sabine said, expecting Hera to explain further on where it is. "Yes, it is in the Outer rim, and to be more exact, it is in the Sertar sector, in the Florrum system. Remember that pirate we came by a little while back, the weequay, Hondo, or whatever his name was, that base there belonged to him. Got shot up during the clone wars." The rest of the team was expecting Hera to tell them to prepare their equipment, but that wasn't what they got. "So, get ready then!" Kanan said, but Hera immediately told, "No. We aren't going. I am getting ready a mess-" was as far as Hera got before Sabine grabbed her by the neck, and started screaming at her, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE AREN'T GOING!?!? THAT IS MY EZRA OUT THERE, AND WE ARE GOING TO GET HIM BACK!!! I WILL LOCK YOU UP IF IT IS WHAT IT TAKES FOR US TO GET YOU TO NOT INTERRUPT US!!"

As Hera started losing consciousness, Zeb knocked Sabine out before she could kill Hera. Kanan caught Hera as she fell. Kanan, Zeb and Hera were all shocked by Sabine's actions, though Kanan and Zeb still wanted to ask Hera why she won't go to meet Ezra at Florrum. "Look, i know what you are going to ask, and the simple answer is that.. well... Ehh..." Hera was trying to explain, but her mind got tangled, so she just sighed heavily, to attempt to clear her head.

"See, Ezra has his own crew to take care of. We came in just taking one of their own, against Sato's orders, threatened a member of his crew.... Not to mention the fact that they almost shot us down when we found their base. Just coming to find them, only to fight? Just... seems like he actually just wants us to leave them alone. Look, this was not an easy decision to make. I want to see Ezra as bad as you do, but not if it ends up with us just either getting ourselves killed, or worse, just stranded on that planet." Hera explained. Zeb listened, sad, but knowing that it was the truth. From the silence he thought that Kanan felt the same, but found himself knocking Kanan out also, as he had started force choking Hera. "What the hell got into Kanan?" Zeb asked out loud. Hera noticed Kanan's eyes had changed from a sparkling turquoise, to red-rimmed golden eyes. "Oh no..." Hera gasped, when she saw Kanans eyes. "What is it Hera?" Zeb asked Hera, who just told him, "Zeb, remember the Force suppressing handcuffs we got during the Vendaxa mission? Get them here, and fast, before Kanan wakes up!" Zeb rushed to the cargo bay, took the handcuffs, and got them to Hera in time. A few minutes after Hera put the force suppressing handcuffs on Kanan, he woke up, eyes still having a Sith look to them. In the mean while, Hera had told Zeb what she saw, and explained what it meant. Zeb was left watching Kanan and Sabine, who had both been tied up, and made harmless, having only enough clothes on, to cover the more private parts. Hera was afraid that they might have had some secret weapons on them, but it wasn't the case. 

Hera had sent the message the Ezra and his crew. After that, she just started thinking of what to do with Kanan, who had become too dangerous, and Sabine, who was just acting crazy without anyone knowing why. They just had to wait for the response from Ezra...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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