Broken Child

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Most children don't have much to worry about. They only get upset if mom says no to buying a candy bar or if an older sibling breaks a toy. Being a child is seen as a wonderful time and when people typically enjoyed life most. While some have "perfect" childhoods, others have wrecked childhoods. Some coming from broken families, dealing with poverty, and many other trials that the world throws at us. Our childhood makes us into the person we become, whether it is good or bad. Bella had somewhat of a unique upbringing. She grew up in religious household, going to church every Sunday. She had loving parents with a nice house and food always on the table. The average person would say she grew up alright, but the average person doesn't know her. Bella has always doubted herself in every possible way. Having the threats of anxiety and depression from a tenderly young age, she never saw herself as "normal". She has always closed herself off from sharing what she feels because that makes her feel weak and like a burden. Every time someone shows that they want to listen to her they end up leaving her to deal with the abandonment. She is going through life never feeling loved, but also never sharing that with anyone. It seems to her that no one cares. Everyone is too busy with their adult life to care about the child that is broken. She saw things that a six year old should never see. She felt things that an eight year old should never feel. She tried things a ten year old should never try. And she cried about things a twelve year old should not have to cry about. She tries to find happiness is small things, but that soon gets shut down by others making her feel small and useless. With a lot of experience comes a lot of hurt. With a lot of hurt comes a lot of stories. With a lot of stories comes a lot of fear.

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