He's Interested

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OMG so this dude hit me with his soccer ball yesterday in gym and it hit me right on top of my head hard. As soon as it hit me he ran over to comfort me and he put one hand on my lower back and the other was grabbing my arm. I couldn't move! He profusely apologized while holding me like that. A few seconds later he walked away and then he came back and asked me if I was okay.

Today he hit me with a basketball in my back. It was really hard again. This time he just grabbed my shoulder and said sorry.

I don't know if he's flirting or just bad at sports.

Yesterday when that happened he got super close to me and kept looking into my eyes!!

He's pretty cute. He's also friends with the dude I liked that couldn't speak English lol. My friend Sam started talking to his friend, John, and John said that the boy's name was Byron and he's 17. That is a good age difference, but I can work with it lol.

That was super annoying, but he is so sweet and he really felt bad that he hit me. He's cute too which helps lol. I don't know.

I think at this point I'm interested in anyone who shows any emotions toward me.

All of Byron and John's friends talk to each other during gym and a lot of them tend to stare at me. I don't know why and I don't think I want to know why.

Hispanics are hot.

Fixing the BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora