chapter 4

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Slight fluff warning!!!

Matt's eyes instantly widened as he bit his tongue to keep from spitting out what he was about to say, his cheeks dusted red. Tom looked down at Tord, he sighed in annoyance. "Good morning, Commie,"

Tord turned over to face to two, and smirked from Tom's nickname "Glad to see you're actually trying to get into a relationship, Jehovah, I'm proud,~"

Both Matt and Tom squeaked

"NO," Tom scolded

"N-no! No no no! That isn't happening!" Matt spat out anxiously.

"Then why does it look like you two are about to sleep together?" Tord commented.

"He had a nightmare, dingus!" Tom hissed. "Don't joke like that, you disgusting pervert!"  Matt gave Tom a bit of a look for the name he had granted his crush, but still kind of agreed with him for the remark he gave

"Matt has been awfully silent during this..." Tord said, looking over at him

"I-I'm just scared... I had a nightmare," Matt explained.

"Oh," Tord responded, "Tom, you go get to bed, I'll take care of this," he commanded.

Tom growled a bit before just giving up and going to his room.

Tord looked up at Matt, and gently grabbed his hand. "Nightmare, eh?" He said,

Matt blushed a bit, his hand slightly trembling. He nodded.

"Well," Tord continued. "They're just dreams, I understand they may be scary and truamatizing, but they don't mean anything, you'll be ok, now get some sleep,"

By this point, Matt had small tears forming in the inner corners of his eyes, he nodded again. "O-ok," he squeaked.

"But not up there," Tord mentioned, seeing the tears and the fear in his eyes, "down here," he said, as he softly tugged on Matt's Arms as a signal to tell him to come down.

Matt noticed what Tord was signaling for him to do, and crept down to the floor, in the bed of blankets and pillows next to his wished-to-be lover.

Tord smiled softly and pulled his trembling friend into a snuggle. "If you're going to have another nightmare, you might as well wake up with a friend," he said with a quite tone.

Matt smiled a bit, with a faint giggle

"Now get some sleep," Tord commanded, trying his best to resist, but kissed his friend's cheek anyway.

Matt felt his heart sink and his face burn up. His heart starting beating quickly again, but it was different this time. It wasn't painful like the fearful beat. It was peaceful, it felt a bit nice.

"Goodnight, Matt,"

"Goodnight, Tord"

Its hard to make a pair when only one cares (Tord x Matt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now