Chapter 5

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Matt woke up peacefully that morning, seeing Tord right at his side, waking a few minutes after.

"Good morning," he tiredly squeaked.

"Good morning" Tord replied, turning onto his stomach, stretching, and getting up. Matt rolled over, now laying on his back. He groaned in annoyance and exhaustion.

"I cannot get up today, I had the sleepy" he said jokingly as he yawned and closed his eyes again.  Tord stared at him on till an idea hatched in his mind

"It would be a shame if I were to..." He started, Matt's eyes widened in fear.
"DON'T-" he started but was cut off.
"Taze you!" Tord shouted, digging three fingers into Matt's upper right side Matt yelped and wiggled a little
"A-alright! Alright! I'm up! I'll get up!" Tord smiled to himself "mission completed,"
Matt stood up, almost stumbling over a few times.

"You seem tired, dearest," Tord sarcastically commented. Matt shot a glare at him.

"Go back to sleep and starve..." Matt growled under his voice.

Tord slapped his hand over his heart and pretended to be offended "How rude!" He dramatically, yet playfully snapped.

Matt just groaned in return, flopping back onto the floor. Tord stared at him with a poker face, then started gently kicking his back.

"Up, Up, Get up, get up, wake up, up, Up! Get up you lazy ginger!"

Matt shot up. "What did you just call me?" He said, looking up at Tord, slightly offended.

"Nothing, just get up" Tord responded, offering his hand to help Matt up.

Matt took his hand and stood up. He then let go and stretched a little, Only to be yanked out of his room by the hyped communist.

"C'mon, I wanna do something today," Tord stated.

"I don't!" Matt cried, trying to keep up with Tord, who is now running downstairs.

"You will once you fully wake up!" Tord responded, seeming blissful, and running to the kitchen, and throwing Matt into a chair. Matt shrieked slightly, seeming like his life flashed before his eyes.

"Quickly grab something to eat, I'll be back," Tord said, Running back upstairs to get dressed

Matt dozed off, and eventually fell back to sleep.

He looked up, he felt lightheaded. He was on the floor, he looked down, and saw blood gushing from a deep hole in his knee. He curled into a ball as his vision Started to go blurry.

"Matt!" He heard a voice call out. He heard someone run to him, but he was too weak to look up.

"Matt! Matt! Are you ok? Matt!"

(Word count: 430 words)
I'm sorry this chapter took so long to release, life stuff, and I had a bit of writer's block. Well, at least I improved a bit. The next chapter will be out very soon, between the span of a few hours to tomorrow, I promise, have a nice rest of your day :3

Its hard to make a pair when only one cares (Tord x Matt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now