Chapter 8

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"... You just couldn't stay away from him, could you?"

Matt looked around, looking for the voice that sounded dolorous. He was in his chains again, he was used to them at this point.

"Do you see what he did, you fool?" The voice snapped. "He was about to leave, but no! He just HAD to stay, or else your tiny little heart would have been broken, huh? Well, look at where it landed you. Look at what he did. Look at what YOU caused!"

Matt looked around on till he felt someone firmly grab his face. He faintly yelped in surprise as a light came on, revealing Edd. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and his face was drenched in tears.

"E-Edd! Oh my God, are y-" Matt was about to speak before he was cut off

"No! I don't want to hear it! I'm not don't yet!" He scolded, releasing Matt's face and taking a few steps back.

"Do you understand that we were nearly killed by him? Do you understand what he did?" Edd hissed.

"Who's 'him'?" Matt cried out

Edd opened his mouth to speak, when a bright, blinding light clouded and covered Matt's vision.

"Matt! Matt!! Wake up!" A voice cried

Matt looked around, he was still strapped in the seat he was in when he first got on the monstrosity known as a rollercoaster. He saw the well-known, red hooded stranger beside him, shaking him, teary-eyed.

"Jesus Christ! I knew this ride, or any ride for that matter, would be too intense for you! You passed out!" He lamented.

"I did...?" Matt slurred



Tord looked down and shook his head and the seats were back at the gate and the restraints were loosened and removed.

Matt got up, only to fall on his knees, weakly, and Yelped a little.

Tord sighed, and grabbed his hand to help him up. He stepped back a little as Matt sprung up. He grabbed his phone and quickly made his way back down the lower ground.

"I need to get you home. If Edd finds out I let you go on a ride and you passed out, he'll murder me." Tord stated nervously.


Another day, wasted.

Its hard to make a pair when only one cares (Tord x Matt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now