Chapter Six; Marvel Has Some Kind Of Luck

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Allison's POV:

A week has passed since I overheard Mrs. Brown talking to our principal. My mum thought it would be best for my health to stop visiting Millie daily as I was. Instead, she bought me a sketch book after she noticed my art grade was rising and I had a talent in realistic drawing.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is cleaning day for me and my mum. Luckily since the past few months I didn't mess up my room like before. My room was so tidy that my mum sent me to the basement to check out if there's anything I wanted back.

One thing you should know about the basement is sort of a junkyard. You see, me and my mum aren't those type of people to give things up easily. So whenever we stop using things we throw it into the basement so if one day one of us wanted to use it again.

Basically it was full of old rubbish that are from the 80s, 90s and 2000s.

I walked down the basement and turned on the light. A disgusting smell of broken sewer pipes and dust came to my nose. I ignored it and started working on my childhood part of the basement. I started off with the dolls.

I found a barbie doll with brown hair, though its hair was messy and half of her poor hair was gone. When I was a kid, I loved giving my dolls haircuts. But since I was like 7, they came out terribly but I didn't give a single damn because I was young.

I put the barbies aside and came across a box that brought many memories. The box was tagged "Marvel."

I took the box, not caring if there was a huge cockroach, spider or anything. I went upstairs and went by the leaving room, where mum was polishing the windows.

"Have you found anything, dear?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied and continued my way.

I closed my door behind myself and pour all the things in the box on my bed. They were mostly Marvel films, action figures, shirts and comics too.

I remembered when me and Wyatt used to read and watch them together. We used to skip classes to watch the new movies that came out. Our favorite was Thor. I liked Loki while he had a crush on Darcy. In every film we had our favorites. One thing we had in common is that we never liked the main characters or had a love for villains.

We also had matching shirts that we wore together. We didn't wear them in public often, but we were still shirt twins.

The films until 2015 were there, too. Not more because we stopped collecting them after me and Wyatt weren't friends anymore. There was Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron man 1, 2 and 3, and more. My favorite was probably the two Captain America films. My favorite was Bucky. I explained how much I liked bad guys. But Bucky was good, though, just a victim of HYDRA.


After I finished checking the box, I went to a store across the street. Sophia was there and we had a small conversation. She was glad to see me happy, at least someone will listen to my day. She's like a guardian angel.

I came with some of the new movies. Only Spider-Man Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, and Thor: Ragnarok were on sale. Instead I bought the others from PlayStore (legit I just found out you could do that but idk if it really has the marvel movies) and connected my Lenovo tablet to the television in my room.

I watched all the movies and I thought it was great. Now my two favourite Captain America movies turned into three. Watching Civil War was weird because I remembered dreaming about a part of it (not spoiling it, mates).

I ended my day by crying at the end of Infinity War and reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter Battle of Hogwarts and cried even more, remembering the sorrow I had after watching Fred, Remus, Tonks and basically all my favourite characters dying in both part one and two.

For once after a few days, I easily fell asleep with nothing bothering me. Though, in the morning I woke up and felt bad with myself, yet happy.

"Mum, c-can I visit Millie today?" I asked at breakfast.

"No," she replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she'll be out of the hospital today and will be starting school again on Monday," said my mother.

Marvel has some kind of luck...

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