Wages of Love

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Love you cruel, harsh thing

You cause hearts to Beat

and hearts to Bleed

You give Joy

and you give Sorrow

You reveal Truth

and cause Lies

You Free

and you Bond

You are elusive

You come when least expected

and leave when most wanted

You create Angels

and you create Demons

You are a swift Antidote

and a potent Poison

So Love what are you?

 Joy or Sorrow?

Freedom or Bondage?

Antidote or Poison?

Truth or Lies?

Angel or Demon?

I don't know how much more love I can bare. I am sick of your mixed Poison! Your kill more than depression. You kill many times over. I don't wish to be apart of your game any longer!


"I mean love is a lottery and the winning ticket brings but death. Believe me, you are very fortunate to be on the losing side, my dear D'Artagan. And if I have any advice to give you it is this: always lose in the lottery of love!" - Athos, The Three Musketeers


This poem expresses the feelings of Lord Titus, the main antihero of my book Knight of Shadows.

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