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The bond between humans and their pets is a magical thing.

We protect them as they protect us.

They comfort us

when no one else sees our pain.

They eagerly await our return.

They remain in our hearts and memories.

Then there are those pets

that no matter how much you try you can never forget.

The ones who knew all your secrets.

The ones that became your only friend.

That one pet that could keep all your monsters at bay.

Ones who's grave you had to dig.

The grave you had to pad down with your soul.

Ones who's death came

leaving you with regret.

These pets we wish to spend just one more day with.



Another poem to that wonderful pet that I called my friend. If I could go back in time I would have spent that fateful night by  your side as you did everyday of your life.

The Words I Was Too Afraid To Tell HerWhere stories live. Discover now