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I use to believe the lies

That love is not a paradise

I use to believe that I would never find love

unless the Earth flipped on it's axis's

Then I stared into your hazel eyes

saw your tom boy jeans

your just below the shoulder wavy hair

for a minute or two I saw not only the universe

but my future with you

You are the girl I use to ask God for

You are the perfect one for me

You are beautiful beyond description

it's not the physical looks that got my attention

It was the moments 

I spent in your presence

When I had peace 

and everything slowed to a blink

It was then that time became just a number

that there was no need to have walls

around my thoughts and feelings

I seen many angels 

but you are an angel's Angel

You may be a year older 

but to me you will always look a year younger

Every "my dude" makes me smile

After seeing you no other woman can compare

The Words I Was Too Afraid To Tell HerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz