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**Madelyn pov
I sat there waiting for the women who saved me. She was really sweet she kinda looked like me,
I too have blond hair and hazel or kinda blue eyes. I think she looks like that pretty woman I saw on a magazine one day, but probably that's not her.

Suddenly the door opened with the woman who saved me entering the room I was in. She smiled when she saw me. That means every thing worked out fine? I really hope so.

"You are not going to that bastard any more." She smiled.

I felt heavy weight drop from my chest I smiled so brithly. She is my hero. I dont have to go to him ever again.

"Oh and by the way im Jennifer. Jennifer Lawrence" she smiled.

Suddenly I remember. This is the woman on the magazine! Thats so cool. That means she is famous. I wonder what's that  feeling,to be famous. She's probably the happiest person in the world.

"Im Madelyn. Madelyn Faith Mcflaire" I smiled to her.

"Well Madelyn. Dont mind if I call you Maddy?"

"No, i don't mind."I liked the nickname it sounded good 'Maddy'

"We are going out of here okay Maddy?" She asked while smiling.

We went to her car. It was a really beautiful car it was all black and I think it was called a jeep or something? Im not really into cars but this one is really pretty I like it a lot. Its comfortable it even has heating in it. Nicks car was freezing cold and all smelly. I didn't like it at all. But this one smelled like Jennifer which is really nice.

But suddenly it hit me. Where am I going? Is she gonna drop me of to the old house? I don't have a place to live.

"Jennifer?" I asked looking at her while she was driving to the direction I didn't know.

"You can call me Jen, and yes?" She looked at me then looked back at the road.

"Where are we going? I dont really have a house or where to stay..." I stoped.

"Oh I didn't tell you? You are staying with me is that okay?" She asked me.

I was so happy that im going to be with Jen she is such a great person she saved me from Nick and she even hugged me, but this was too much. I couldn't accept this offer. She had done so much for me, and yet she asked me to live with her. I dont know.

"Oh... no no.. it will be too much. You altready helped me so much Jen!" I looked at the window searching for a place she could drop me of.

"Maddy dont worry about it. I really really wold like you to live with me since I have adopted you..." she shut up after that looking at my direction to see my reaction.

I was so happy! I will have a family: I will live with Jen, I will live in a house and I will not be alone and she adopted me!!!

I smiled widelly and looked at Jen who was grinning at me. Suddenly I felt my stomach grumble. Jen looked at me and laughed.

"Someone's hungry"

"I...U guess, but it's fine I ate just 3 days ago" I looked at her. She was pale.

"3 days! You must be really hungry! What do you whant?"

"I... I dont know..." I really didn't know.

"Mcdonalds will be fine?" She showed me the restaurant in front of me"

I have heard of mcdonalds. Nick said it was really fancy restaurant and he will not buy me anything from there.

"Oh okay" I was excited to try mcdonalds.

We went true the drive thru. Jen ordered me a meal and she ordered something for herself too. I was to busy to notice what she ordered,because of the cashier's face she looked like she just saw a ghost. It was really funny. I giggled as we drove away with our meals and we parked near the restourant.

"What are you laughing at? " she smiled at me.

"That girl looked like she saw a ghost when we arrived." I laughed again.

"Ooh. Yeah well that happends all the time to me! You know im an actress." She fliped her hair, but then laughed.

"Yeah. I saw you on a magazine! You are really pretty!" I smiled at Jen.

"Awww thanks Maddy." She smiled at me.

"Well if we are done I would like to stuff my face in this hamburger" Jen said and she really did. I laughed, but when I tried the hamburger,I too stuffed my face in it. It was delicious!

Adopted by Jennifer Lawrence(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now