4. Do you?

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*** Madelyn pov
Yesterday was so crazy I ran away to California. I almost got hit by a car. I met Jen and now im curently laying on a bed with Jen while she sleeps. I can't believe that she adopted me! and her house is huge!

I looked around even tho it was dark and I couldn't see properly I was still curious how does this house looks like. I went to all of the rooms, but i ended up at the kitchen which was huge and had a loooooot of food. I smiled remembering how Jen loves food.

Hmm maybe I should make her breakfast? Yeah thats the least I can do for her, I mean she helped me out a lot and I didn't do a single thing to her. Yeah thats a great idea!

I go to the huge fridge she has and look around for the eggs. Where are they? Oh! There they are,but wow its so high up and im so short... I think I will grab a chair.

Ok I got some eggs, toast and bacon. Here comes the hard part. Okay so once I tried to cook but I failed. I burned it.

I put the eggs and set the tempature on max and wait for them to cook but then it happend so fast.

One sec. im cooking the eggs the other the fire allarm is up and i'm hearing Jen coming down the stairs.Oh I messed up. On the first day! Well second ,but... you get it. Oh she is going to give me away I almost burned down her kitchen!

"What is happening" Jen runs down to the kitchen. She looks around and sees me and then starts to... laugh?

"What happend?" she chuckles

"Well I was just cooking you breakfast and then the allarm whent off" I quickly said.

"Oh... wait you were cooking me breakfast? Awww thats so sweet!" She smiled and hugged me I gladly hugged her back. Im surprised that she isn't mad. I mean if it was Nick I would be beaten up right now.

"So if our breakfast is burned maybe you whant to go get it at one of my favourite restourant's?" She said.

"Yeah sure!" I nodded.

***** after 10 min.

"So what do you whant to know about me?" Jen asked while driving to the place.

"Well... if you are an actress then in what movie do you film now?"

"The Hunger Games Have you hear of it?" Jen asked.

"Nope... can you tell me about it?"

"Well I'm playing Katniss from district 12. Shes poor and she has a sister Prim and a mother....." and so on she told me everything about the hunger games. I was so intrigued about this story, that I even asked if we could watch it right away.

Jen of course said yes, she even let me go on set with her tomorow.She said that the cast is really nice and I could be friends with Willow who plays Prim. I gladly accepted it because I whanted to have new friends. While I was at my hometown the kids were really mean they bullied me. I thought that theres something wrong with me...

I didn't even notice when we pulled up and Jen gotten out of the car. I quickly opend the door and gotten out of the car too.

We entered the place it was kind of big?There were like 3 people and they didn't seem to notice us. We sat near a window and Jen picked up her menu

"What do you whan't?" She asked while searching thru her menu for something.

"Oh um pancakes?" I thought "with orange juice"

"Okay" she nodded.

"So Maddy, what colour do you like?" I guess she didnt even knew what to ask, but at the same time what did we even know about each other?

"Well I really like the color red and black"

"Oh thats cool, me too, what do you like to do?"

"I like to draw and I like to travel"

After the breakfast filled with questions about what we like and stuff I learned about Jen and she learned about me we once again went to the car and this time I had no idea where were we going.

"Jen? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!" Jen nodded and smiled at me encouraging me.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Well that was random😂 I wanted to say thank you so much for voting and reading! I am really grateful for that!❤ Sooo does she have a boyfriend?

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