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Mable's pov: I opened my eyes and saw what must have been the same portal Dipper was in. It was beautiful. All, and I mean ALL, shades of blue and blue related color cosmos all around me, well, it was just me untill I herd, "wow, look at how cool all this galexy stuff is!" Wendy said. "Isn't it great?" I asked in åwe. "You bet, hey what's that sound?" Wendy asked. It was too faint to be sure but I think it sounds familiar. "I think it's getting closer." Wendy said. "Look up in the sky not a bird not a plain...." "Oh no." I said. "What is it?" Wendy asked. "It's him again! Watch out!" I said as we saw him fly by beating up some other cat. "That's him, the Nyan cat." I wispered in Wendy's ear. "Who??" She asked. "He's the legendary flying cattart. He flys through space singing songs, and if you get in his way like that other cat has then your history." I said. "I think I know who that other cat is, and she never looses" Wendy said. "Who?" I asked "she's grumpy cat I've seen her on the internet." She said. "Well that's cool." I said "Hey look!" Wendy said. "What, oh it's the end of the portal. Hold on tight the portal likes to throw people out hard. So hold on tight." I said as the blinding white light turned into ground and we hit ground hard. "At least we made it safe" Wendy said. "Yea." I said. "Where are we?" She asked. "On Mt. Ebott I guess, that's where we should be." I said. "Well it's really cold." Wendy said. "Yea I know, that's why I brought jackets." I said pulling out four thick jackets. "Whose the third and fourth one for?" Wendy asked. "Well I brought four jackets for four of the legendary heros, I thought they may be in need of a jacket." I said stuffing the two unused jackets back inside my backpack. "How'd you know you'd need to bring a few jackets?" Wendy asked. "It's a mountain....mountains are normally cold. Plus on the picture the mountain had snow on the top." I said putting my backpack back on. "True." Wendy said as we started walking but before we got anywhere Wendy said. "Look." Pointing to a large skid mark in the ground. "That's probably where Dipper fell down. Let's follow it." I said. "Great idea." Wendy said. We followed it all the way down to this huge hole in the ground. "Well it looks like he fell in." Wendy said. "I know this place! It's the underground home to most the monsters that use to live in the world, the rest have come to gravity falls. Legend says they all still live down here." I said. "Cool, let's jump in." Wendy said. "No we're gonna climb down there using these." I said pulling out rope and carabiners. "Cool."
We climbed down, far far down into the underground. When we hit ground everything disappeared. "What, where'd everything go?" Wendy asked. "Look." I said pointing to my wrist where there was a watch. "When did you get that?" She asked. "Just now and you've got one too." I said as she looked and saw one on her too. "What are these?" She asked. "Everything down here is like a game, these watches help us access menus and call people." I said. "Does that mean-" I interrupted her. "We can only call people on our contact list or people we meet." I said. "Oh ok. So where to now?" She asked. "Through the ruins!!!!!" I said as we started our journey through the underground.

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