Chapter 11: Decisions and Arragements

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"Go ahead Hermione." Harry said as he waited for her to deactivate the invisibility charm. Summoning all his Gryffindor courage, he widened his stance and placed a protective hand on the side of Nagini's head. Though his heart told him he could trust Dumbledore fully, a part of his mind was a bit wary about his Headmaster's reaction to his mate. He could feel his nerve endings twitch with anticipation and his free hand located his wand in his hip holster and was ready to grab for it swiftly if needed. He could also feel Nagini twist around him until her upper torso was draped in front of his neck and her head was hovering in the air about a half a foot from his chest. Her muscles became tight and taunt around him and her free-hanging body was posed in a pre-striking pose. Both mates were on high alert for any possible attacks and were ready to protect the other if the opportunity arose.  

All eyes were on Dumbledore as the charm fell and Harry and Nagini became visible. The couple both stilled as they tried to sense the Headmaster's reaction. Their future at Hogwarts rested in the elder man's hands.

Dumbledore blinked a few times as he took in the situation in front of him. His face remained blank but one could easily see the wheels turning in his head.  He finally stood up from his desk in an authoritative manner, resting his hands on the mahogany in front of him.

"Well, Madam Nagini, I have to say that I'm a bit surprised to see you here." 

Harry's hand inched towards his wand and Nagini began to snarl until Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued.

"However, as I said before, I will do my best to accept your mate-ship and offer my protection."

The couple visibly relaxed at this.  Harry lowered his wand hand and Nagini brought her head back towards Harry's shoulder, exiting her attack pose. "Thank you sir." Harry bowed his head in appreciation.

"There are some topics, however, that need to be addressed before I can fully offer my services." Dumbledore regarded the pair with serious eyes. 

"What topics, sir?"

"Well, before we started, I would like to go ahead and dismiss Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger." He addressed the sitting students. "I appreciate your concern in this situation, but I now need to discuss these next topics with Harry and Nagini only. I hope you understand."

"Yes professor, thank you." Hermione answered for them both as she and Ron left the office.

As the door closed behind the two, Dumbledore returned his attention back to the standing couple in front of him. "Harry, please have a seat and make yourself and your mate comfortable."

"Thank you sir." Harry answered as he walked towards one of the seats newly abandoned by his friends. He stopped to let Nagini slide down his body and land on the floor gracefully. As he sat down in the chair, Nagini climbed his lap, coiling about seventy-five percent of her body across his legs: about a foot of her 'tail' hung off the chair and her head rested by his left collar bone.  Though she was nuzzling his chest, her eyes rested on Dumbledore, continually scanning for signs of a threat.

"Now then," Dumbledore regarded them with calm but calculating eyes, "as I said, there are a few things that need to be discussed and settled before we can proceed."

Harry nodded at the headmaster, then looked down at Nagini. ~There are a few things he wants to talk about before we can leave his office, OK?~

~Yes Harry, that is fine. I can understand some English, so you don't need to worry about translating unless I ask.~

~You know English?~

~Mostly. Tom taught me the basics over the years so that I wouldn't be fully lost during...his meetings.~

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