Chapter 16: Anxiety Sucks

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Harry was the only student in the Gryffindor commons as he rushed through The Fat Lady's portrait as he practically sprinted towards the kitchen.

Skidding through the kitchen doorway, he ordered a blueberry muffin to go and asked an elf to deliver a baked chicken breast to Nagini. By the time he stumbled into the Potions classroom he had two minutes to spare, the last forth of his muffin stuffed in his mouth, and many pairs of eyes on him as he plopped himself into his assigned seat by Ron.

"Cutting it a bit close, aren't we mate?" Ron smirked as Harry rested his head on their work station, trying to catch his breath.

"Shut up Ron, I'm on time, am I not?"

"Barely." Answered an emotionless, baritone voice as Professor Snape entered the classroom from the rear and made his way down the classroom towards the front board. "Ten points from Gryffindor for barely making it to class on time.

"But sir..."

"Another ten for talking back."

Harry abruptly closed his mouth, feeling the rest of the Gryffindors boring holes into him with glares. The Slytherins in the room snickered and sneered.

"If we are quite done interrupting my class, Potter, you and the rest of your classmates can start copying from the board important notes about handling flabbergasted leaches."

Harry pulled out parchment, a quill, and a jar of ink from his bag and began to take notes. All was fine until not even ten minutes later Harry noticed his chest began to itch, or specifically, the site of his tattoo. It started very mildly until he could ignore it no longer and he had to stop writing in order to scratch his chest through his clothes.

"Are you OK Harry?" Hermione, who sat directly behind him, noticed his fidgeting and leaned forward to investigate, whispered.

Harry didn't here her though as he began to feel panic rise in his chest, causing his heartbeat to race and he breathing to quicken.  His body began to tremble as his mind filled with worry. 'I shouldn't have left Nagini alone. What if somebody hurts her? What if Voldemort finds her?'

"Harry?" Ron noticed Harry's odd behavior too, his eyes wide with concern as he searched his friends face for clues for what was going on.

"I CAN'T DO THIS! I CAN'T LEAVE HER ALONE!" Harry shouted as he bolted to his feet and ran for the classroom exit.

"POTTER! What the bloody Hell..!?!" Snape boomed from his desk, but Harry was already half way down the corridor by the time the professor's voice left his mouth.

The rest of the class sat dumbfounded, not sure of what just happened.

"Oh Harry!" Hermione stood up and mewed motherly toward the door he just left. "Professor, may I be excused to check on him? He is having anxiety attacks from recent events."

Snape studied her for a moment before sighing in defeat. "There's no sense trying to stop you. When you find him, let him know he has detention with me tonight and fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor for his dramatic exit."

"Yes sir."

Hermione gathered her supplies and trotted briskly out the door towards Gryffindor Tower, which Harry had gone towards. Her heart was full of sympathy as she searched for her best friend.


Hermione entered their commons and headed straight towards the boys' sleeping quarters, for she had a feeling of where he bolted to. Searching for the entrance to his private room, she found a portrait of a king cobra at the end of the hall and guessed that this had to be it.

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