Episode 1: a new beginning

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Note: that I do not own any of these Cartoons the only one I own is Colossus Equinox this is just a Fanfic

Our Story begins with how our heroes came to Megaopolis.                                          

Steven age 16 :After Steven's battle with a home world gem and getting his physical form destroyed his shirt didn't fit anymore so he switched to red sweater vest and he had trouble seeing so he need round glasses,Pearl didn't want to take any chances anymore what if the next time he gets stabbed he won't poof but instead dies he is half human.                                             
With his Dad knowing he can't leave Beach City and the gems needing to stay in beach city she took Steven to a City called Megaopolis a place where all people are accepted. Knowing that moving to a big a City means he has to apply for high school, fortunately he was smarter than he used to be.                                                                                               The school was a 3 story building so amazing and modern they had elevators.                The first day he didn't technically like this school (then again what kid does) "Hi I 'm Steven Universe"he said as he walked into class but the students didn't respond then he seated himself down "Hey Universe I heard you are a Gem Freak" a student said then they all laughed at him.
The first few classes were so boring and awful and all he could think about was beach city, until his last class when he sat behind a brunet boy with a striped yellow tie (a.k.a My version of Morty) he turned his head and saw across the other side of the building was his old friend Colossus Equinox.                                                                                                  

Colossus age 15: after Colossus's adopted Aunt and Uncle got married things got happier for her despite the Demon and she has been having chills so she started wearing a black Jacket big enough to fit with her huge boobs and sweat pants, she had friends her family her little buddy Timmy Sherlock and her boyfriend Jacob until her adopted Aunt and Uncle got a great job offer in a bigger city and decided to move Colossus and her adopted Cousin to Megaopolis.
"We can't move my friends need me here" Colossus whined "I'm sorry Colossus this is only temporary you can visit your friends on break, this is the best for us" Raina said and with no way out of it She said goodbye to her friends and gave her little buddy a hug "Goodbye Timmy I will miss you most of all" she said "Goodbye Jacob" She kissed him on the lips and promised to visit every break and they promised to kick Ludwig's ass for her (a.k.a Cole's enemy) and with a time travel flash in nearly took 2 days to travel to Megaopolis while driving to the city Colossus kept saying "Wonder what my new School is going to be like?".        
On the first night she sat on the roof of her new apartment and smoked a cigarette hoping that her friends didn't miss her that much.
1st day of school it was hard because she was the only winged person in school next to the English teacher but Colossus was too much of a Demon to give a damn.
"Hi I am Colossus Equinox but my adopted name is Doyle" Colossus said with an emotionless expression but Students just ignored her so she sat herself down and heard students saying "Say I heard Ms. Lover is the history teacher this year" "Yeah it's Queen Moron alright" Cole thought "Miss Lover?"                                                                                     During lunch she sat on the roof of the school and smoked a cigarette she looked down and saw Her big/little sister Star.                                                                                                              

Star age 16: after Star went back to Mewni Star got into some more trouble and bad guys who swore revenge on her, Moon thought she isn't safe on Mewni nor Echo Creek she decided to send her back to earth but someplace different where no one knows where she is a big city where it is hard to find a teenage princess.                                       "Star I know you miss Earth but we know you can't go back to Echo Creek but I am sending you to a bigger better place" Moon said "I would love to go back to Earth, even if I can't see my friends in Echo Creek." Star responded And so Star went to Megaopolis and attended a new High School but instead of living with a different family she stays in a dorm behind the school, so no one can find her.
On the first day of school the students weren't as friendly as her friends in echo creek because when she said she was a princess from another dimension while she waved her wand around, she was teased and laughed at and even stole her wand one time and tried to snap it in half.
She misses both her friends on Mewni and Echo Creek and snuggled up in Marco's Jacket (the only thing she had left of him) crying on the bed.                  
When school started she was the odd one out all wasn't going well until she saw Mabel at lunch.                                                                                                                                           

Mabel age 14: after there second visit from Gravity Falls Mabel and Dipper were surprised when they walked into the house when their parents said they're moving but at least they can still visit Gravity Falls which wasn't that bad and they did not mind the move at all.
The long car drive was not fun at all just playing lame old car games and wondering what High School will be like until they finally arrived in Megaopolis.                                                                                  The first day of school Mabel and Dipper was greeted by a yellowed hair, freckled boy wearing a red tie who was actually nice and 2 big teeth with a gap, and Mabel seemed to get along with him real nicely.
"I have to warn you this school is complicated but with a new friend like me you guys can make it through?" The boy said and walked off until Mabel met up with him in class and gave him a big hug in front of the whole class.
The day was actually terrible when ever the twins weren't with their yellowed hair boy when they sit together people always made fun of their relationship and how weird they were, in fact through the class hours they prayed that summer will start again so they can go to Gravity Falls.
This whole year would be awful if Dipper didn't see Colossus on the roof and Mabel seeing Steven outside.                                                                                                                                         

After School: "Oh my God I cannot I believe my eyes is it really the United?" Steven said hugging Star "and to think I would never see a friendly face" Mabel said gripping Colossus arm "I am so happy I could burst" Star yelled "It's good to have friends you know" Colossus said with a small smirk.                                                                           "Anyways do you guys want to come back to my apartment?" Colossus asked "Sure Cole" and so they walked into the city but all wasn't a happy ending when someone was spying on them a girl with black eyes and white hair a white shirt with a black shooting star on it, pitch black headband horns and a black moon pendant "My hate for you grows stronger" to be Continued...

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