Episode 3: I want to be friends

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"Rosanna I am deeply sorry that the United has killed your monster" Scanty and Kneesocks kneeled before the White haired girl "Well better to weaken the United, My demon sisters." Rosanna said petting little fastener the red evil version of Chuck, "But Don't worry my demon sisters my Moms and Dad will soon fall the more we fight the weaker they get" she stood up still holding Fastener and started walking.
"ZIM!!" She yelled out and the green alien came running in with a writing board "Yes inferior bitch?" He asked as Gir still in his Dog form jumped in Rosanna's arms next to Fastener "Zim will the "It" be ready soon." she asked pulling the dogs closer to her "Not soon it make take weeks, maybe months" he answered she growled "Okay then go back to the lab I don't need you anymore" then he walked off leaving his assistant with Rosanna.
"Rosanna must I ask you why do you desire to take down my Cousin and her friends?" Discourage asked as he walked up to her "Before I took physical form I was just the United's emotions of Hatred and Sadness that were never expressed, they kept me locked in the deepest darkest parts of their brain, it was the coldest days of my life" She was Explained petting Gir "Until one day they found the Milk White Pond Of forbidden magic on Volcano Island, when they took a swim inside only to get rid of their hatred and sadness and when they left their emotions started bubbling in that lake and formed into a body and that body was me, and since I was born I wanted pay back for locking me up in the coldest, darkest place in their heads and I want to show Mommies and Daddy how much They have made me suffer." Then she paused "but in the mean time I would like to have a new member to the group." She finished.

-At the High School-
The Heroes were battling a fearsome Monster "Okay Team let's take him down!" Steven said as Colossus used the chain of her Scythe to tie the monster Up "I 'm going Ghost" Danny yelled and 2 rings appeared and turned him into his ghost form and started beating the monster senselessly and Star used her wand to blast the monster in the face, what seemed like a victorious fight soon ended.
Dipper ran up to try to help but instead the monster escaped and rushed towards Dipper with his mouth open wide ready to chomp down "DIPPER!" Colossus yelled and flew towards the Monster and landed in front of Dipper and used her Scythe to stop the Jaw from chomping down on her best friend and yelled "Steven your move" and Steven jumped on the monster, summoned his shield and banged the edge against the Monster's head until dead.
"Thank goodness, you Students are real heroes" Ms Lover the History Teacher came out and said "But Danny you should change back to human form before someone sees you" she was implying to Danny's ghost form, Miss Lover is like the Team best friend and the eyes who knows about the Troubles in Megaopolis and sends them to the Danger to stop it, she knew about their  super powers 1st few days they went to school, for a school Teacher she is pretty cool.
"Okay Dipper, let me help you up" Colossus said as she handed out her hand to help him up but instead "I'm fine Cole you don't need to save me" He said as hoisted himself up and started walking, rubbing the scratches and bruises he gained from fighting and Colossus pondered in her head "What's his problem?" when Jimmy walked up and clamped a hand on her Shoulder and Timmy running up to hold on to his arm to show Colossus he was his.
-After School-
"I hope He isn't upset with me for some reason" Colossus said sipping on some whine talking to the Team Talker, Spongebob in his School dorm "Well sometimes Boys work in mysterious ways Colossus, who knows maybe he is shook em up by the fact you are a demon or he's just upset with today's fight?" he said petting Gary "What do you think Patrick?" He asked his Star fish friend in his fish tank "I don't know Sponge it could be he feel dependent towards you, Cole?" Patrick said as his giant human friend layed down a piece of food in The water to sink down for him to eat "Even when you 2 are different species you're still best friends" Colossus said.
"I didn't have trouble with his Sister when I met her, I remember first meeting her" Sponge said Spongebob was the first to greet the Pine Twins when they first came and Mabel had a keen bond with him the first time they met and the second time when she realized they where in the same class she ran up to hug the human Sponge yelling "Spongebob I am so glad we're in the same class!" When ever they walk the halls holding hands boys get Jealous.
"Well if you think that maybe I should talk to him, thanks SB, thanks Patrick" Colossus got up holding her whine bottle and walked out the door, only to open her wings up and shoot off into the air flying in the skies and hoping Dipper will be happy to see her.
She landed on the front porch of the house and walked up to the door and knocked and Mabel and Dipper's Mom opened the door saying "Hello Colossus."
"Hello Mrs. Pines I am here to see if Dipper is here, is he home?" Colossus asked hiding the whine bottle behind her "Sorry Dear,but Dipper just left to hang out in the woods near the City" she answered "Why would he go in the woods?, eh you know what I don't care I'm gonna go find him see yah Mrs. Pines" then she flew up in the sky again (The Pines Family knows about Colossus's Animal features but not the Demon).
-In the woods-
"Dipper! Dipper!" Colossus yelled out for her best friend, thinking "What If went I the Woods to hide from me?" The thought of made Colossus emotional thinking her best friend would ditch her then she opened her mouth "Dip-" only to have it clamped by a mysterious figure saying "Rosanna sent me" then he tossed Colossus against a tree making her loose her balance only to see that the mysterious figure was her Brother Atmosphere.
"So you work for the Mysterious Rosanna too?, huh, the one sending these monsters to kill me and the United" She stood up so she could summon her Scythe from his necklace and Atmosphere summoned his Spear from his Necklace and started a big fight between brother and sister not risking to turn Into Demons "But Remember, Sister I like you too much to let Rosanna kill you and I want you to join me" he swung his spear "I won't let you get the best of me Bro-" he kicked her in the stomach hard into a tree knocking her down.
Atmosphere got closer until "You!, get the hell away from her right now!" It was Dipper he yelled out holding a tree branch "Ah, PineTree I remember you too bad you are about to die soon." Atmosphere yelled as he ran towards Dipper and punched him in the stomach hard causing him to fly in the air and landed hard in a ditch, Colossus then ignored the pain and ran towards the punched victim and hopped down the ditch yelling "Dipper!"
She knelt down the victim drooling blood "Oh, Dipper are you okay?" She asked actually starting g to tear up for her BFF, "I'm fine my Friend, I have dealt with worse in Gravity Falls" he answered, "Why did you leave? Were you upset because you don't like me?" She asked "No I was upset because, I wanted to be the one to protect you, because when we were young you were the one who protected me from bullies, which I thought it was my turn to do the same for you" He clamped a hand on her shoulder "Because I really Like you and I want to Stay friends" he finished.
"Yeah, but Too bad, you'll never do that, Pines" Atmosphere said as hopped down in the ditch fluffing his wings as he swung his Spear as Colossus swung her Scythe and Stabbed him the stomach and punched him in the face saying "I will not turn I to a demon just yet, you are not worth it brother" then Atmosphere opened his wings, his necklace healed him and said "Okay Sister I'll let you have this" then he flew off.
"You know PineTree you don't have to protect me all the time" she said helping Dipper up "I know"
To be Continued...

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