Episode 5: Rosanna

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It was midnight
Colossus was in the high school library pile of books surrounding her, most of them was about supernatural and creations even Mabel was doing some studying along with Jimmy for some extra help.
"What could this girl be and why does she hate us so much?" Colossus said "Rosanna is a tricky girl, we haven't even seen her or met her, so why is she our faceless enemy?" Mabel said "More importantly why is she teamed up with most of our villains?" Jimmy said.
The United have been pondering about this Mysterious Rosanna for quite some time "Weird thing is when you guys showed up the high school has been under attacked by the band of Rosanna's evil souls, there has got to be a reason why she is attacking you? She hates you more than our own villains" Jimmy said.
"I want to get to the bottom of this, When ever I hear Rosanna Nighttime I think of all 4 of our names Steven, Star, Mabel and my own, as if she was connected to us some how,"  Mabel said.
"Who ever she is?, I could care less, if she wants us Dead I want to repay the favor by taking her down, and in my opinion she is a coward to send monsters and villains to fight her battles instead of her!" Colossus said pounding her fists on the books.
"Something tells me that this girl has more potential than we think we do" Mabel said rubbing her eyes "It's getting late girls, I'm gonna head home, 'night" Jimmy said as he walked out the library doors " 'Night" They said back.
"I think I'm gonna head home too, wanna come?" Mabel asked "Nah, you go on II'll stay here for a little while longer." Colossus answered "Okay, but remember the night gets dangerous, Hey Jimmy wait up!" Mabel said as she walked out the doors.
"Who is she? What potential does this girl have?" Colossus asked herself.

2 years ago
Steven and the rest of the United were traveling through the abandoned part of Volcano Island before "I heard it's not too far from here!" Steven said dragging Star by the hand "What are we looking for?" Mabel asked, "I don't know exactly, it says it gets rid of your evil thoughts and your hatred." Steven answered.
The United stopped at a cave "Come on through here!" Steven instructed as he walked through the opening "Ugh, fine." Colossus said as she followed.
As they walked deeper in the cave the walls let off a white glow, enough to light their way through the cave, "Come on not that far!" Steven said as they walked deeper into the cave.
When the United came upon the end of the cave they stopped and saw a pond, milk white "What is this?" Star asked "When you jump in it, it will separate you from your evil thoughts and your hatred, the reason why we are here is because we have been growing hatred and evil lately and not just for the Syndicate but for people we need to protect and ones we love, if this keeps up I fear we might hurt some people " Steven explained.
"But we have to be careful, if we stay in for too long it could take more than enough or swallow us up." Steven Explained as he pulled out some rope "Colossus can you lower us one by one In the lake and pull us out when I give the signal?" Steven asked.
Colossus nodded and lowered Star all the way to her scalp, having her hair float above the lake surface until Steven told Cole to pull her out "My Turn!" Steven said and have Cole lower him in the lake until he was ready to get pulled out.
After that Colossus flew above the lake and lowered herself in until Steven told her to get out and the last one to get lowered in the lake was Mabel so as soon as she was lowered in the lake they waited until Steven told Colossus to pull her out.
When Steven gave the signal Cole pulled on the rope but instead the rope was being pulled down by something and Mabel started to squirm and suffocate "Colossus!, hurry up and pull her out!" Steven yelled "I can't!, it's as if something is pulling her down!" Colossus Let goes of the rope and used her black gooey stretchy demon arm, dipped it into the lake and wrapped it around Mabel's waist and used her brute strength to pull her out.
Mabel gasped and coughed out white liquid until it was out of her system and started breathing the fresh air, she was covered in white and her hair was more soaked than the other's "Mabel you okay?!" Star asked "It doesn't even taste like milk" Mabel cried.
"Ho boy, since you were in there longer- you know what I am sure it's okay, all it will do is make you less angry than us and more innocent." Steven stated "Well I guess that isn't too bad, but why didn't you guys pull me out?" Mabel asked.
"What do you mean weren't you getting dragged down?" Colossus asked confusingly "No, nothing was dragging me down." Mabel answered "Well I am not staying here any longer, Let's leave!" Star said and they all left once they did the lake started to bubble black and steamed.
A hand popped out and dragged it's whole white naked body out of the lake and that body was The forms of hatred and Evil each of the United had morphed together into one person with the same powers as them, Mabel's curiosity, Star's energy, Colossus's strength and Steven's knowledge.
But the only difference between them from her is that she is more hateful than ever and her eyes were pitch black, at first when she was born she was confused but when memories of the sadness, the pain, the blame, the hatred, and the Anger and none were happy, that made made her hate the United for creating her just so that she can feel pain and only hatred.

Present Time
Colossus was still in the Library staring at the computer screen looking for some solution when she heard ruffling in the background, she stared at the screen trying to make it look like she was distracted but instead she was listening as she slowly reached for her pendant as it glowed and her hand gripped on the handle of her Scythe.
When the mysterious figure got closer Colossus yanked the Scythe out of the pendant and swung it towards the person on to realize it was Morty, "Morty!, What the hell!" Colossus yelled "Trying to hide from my Family!" Morty said shaking "You neerly cut off my tie!" He yelled.
"Sorry I am just a little self protected because this person is after me and my friends." Colossus said rubbing her eyes "Aw jeez, I-" Morty would've finished if Colossus didn't cut him off and watched a video on the computer.
"And so the Mayor's daughter has shown herself in public for the first time, but sadly the mayor couldn't be here to introduce us to his daughter." The lady reporter on the video said and showed a white haired girl wearing sunglasses and black hearts on her cheeks wearing a black tux with her hair in a bun.
A slight reflex shot up in Colossus when she saw the girl as if she knew the girl and next to her was what appeared to be a white black haired Black suited white gemed Jasper, could it be the same Jasper Steven was fighting, but it's impossible she was bubbled, but the weird thing is the Mayor doesn't have a daughter.
"You know Morty I think I am gonna go home, you do what ever you want." Colossus said as she flew out of the sky light and started heading home until she landed on the sidewalk and started walking.
She walked a distance and she started to sweat she took off her jacket revealing a white tank top and wrapped it around her waist and her boobs jiggled some more as she kept walking and stopped at a street light when she noticed two small dogs one was green with a big head and the other was red with yellow eyes.
"Well look at you two ugly cuties, you look kinda like that zipper dog Danny is keeping around his house, but where are your owners little one?" Colossus picked up one of the dogs "Right here." A voice was sounded behind her and when Colossus turned around she noticed the "Mayor's daughter" when she punched her in the face and Colossus tossed the dog in the air as she slid into a pole.
"And don't touch my Fastener or Gir!" The Girl said catching her dog "Who the hell are you!?" Colossus yelled "Well I thought my dashing looks would give it way but-" the Mayor's so called Daughter said as she took of her Sunglasses and put on her black horned head band "I am Rosanna Nighttime, and I am your daughter, Mommy." Rosanna said.
To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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