CHAPTER 9: Brothers

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The evening sun could be seen as a refreshing breeze, but being in a situation like that was what Kai least cared about.

He was still trying to make his sleeping legs react, he was also trying to get out, to open the door or knock it down, but useless, he felt too weak to be able to make that time of movement.

Kai: Damn, -he said as he dropped to the ground face down.- If I've been like this all day then Agumon likewise -He said as he tried to lift half of his body with his hands- But he has attacks Can not use his flame to burn everything? -He said while still seeing the door- I hope you have not been able to contact the doctor -he said while closing his eyes with some nervousness

- Here neither!

Kai could hear a voice coming from outside the room, somehow it became familiar, but I miss him too.

Kai: Who said ...?

- He's not here either!

Kai: Those voices are coming ... -He said turning around and knew that the voices were coming from outside the house

I try to approach the window again, but it could not hold anymore and fell back to the ground.

Kai: Damn, it has to be a joke, -he said more angry as he hit his legs with his fists to make them react

Patamon: Taichi! - I scream with great emotion when I see him through the window

Kai: What ...? You are ... -He said surprised and confused when I turned to see him

Patamon: We found you! - He shouted excitedly as he entered and hugged him

Kai: You are the companion of Ishida's brother-He said surprised to see him

Patamon: You do not know how worried we were all

Kai: Wait, you said we found you. The others ...?

Tentomon, Piyomon and Hawkmon: Taichi! - Shouted equally excited as they jumped on the

Tentomon: You're here!

Hawkmon: You're not hurt!

Piyomon: We all miss you!

Kai: Yes! You can get rid of it! - He shouted something annoyed to have everyone hugging him, when they got away from him, he saw them crying. - They are not like that because he screams at them, do they?

Piyomon: It's because we miss you

Kai: How did you know I was here?

Patamon: We follow Reiko

Kai: And your friends are with you?

Tentomon: They could not get in, so we came to get you out of here

Kai: Yeah, well, there's a problem. I can not move my legs, so I can not accompany them

Umi: Brother-He said from the other side of the door

Kai: Leave now

Hawkmon: But ...

Kai: They have not seen them, they have an advantage, go away -he said very alarmed, but he was right, so the four went out the window and then Umi entered the room while carrying a basket of fruits

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