CHAPTER 10: The Encounter. Another bad start

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The building where Nanomon entered to go for Kai began to shake slightly after seeing an explosion and then, from the pocket of Yamato a golden light came off.

Then they saw Greymon throwing Nanomon into the street as he left the building.

Takeru: Is that ...?!

Koushiro: Greymon ?!

Angewomon: I can not believe it

WereGarurumon: Greymon managed to evolve?

???: Interesting-Said the mysterious digimon

When everyone was distracted for a few seconds to see Greymon again, the digimon took the opportunity to attack others, but that did not stop them from continuing to fight with him.

Nanomon: That did hurt a lot, -he said as he tried to recover from the fall Greymon caused him.

Then, before he managed to get up, Greymon landed right in front of him as he carried Kai over his hand.

Nanomono: What did you do? This is not supposed to happen

Kai: You ask the wrong person, you should know, -He said looking at him out of the corner of his eye, then observed the digimon who was chasing him and the other Chosen Children's companions- Is that digimon with you?

Nanomon: Would you like to find out? -Said laughing

Greymon: Do not play with us, -he said annoyed as he threw a powerful fireball at him, but eluded him with a big leap.

Kai: Rays-He said more to himself and very angry

Hikari: Brother! - I shout in the distance and when Kai turned to see, he saw everyone gathered with great concern

Kai: It's you, -he said almost without believing it.

Greymon: Now we can be with them

Kai: Just because Moosemon and Mastemon said it-He said something annoying

At that moment a loud scream was heard everywhere, it was so loud that everyone had to cover their ears. When I stopped, they saw that the sky had several digimon, it was Devidramon.

Ken: What happens now?

Takeru: Are they Devidramon?

???: It seems that my reinforcement has just arrived-He said with enthusiasm as he raised his arm and indicated that they should go down

Several of these were against WereGarurumon and the others, one of them was against Greymon and I throw him to the ground, doing the same with Kai and one of them caught him in his hand.

Kai: What is this?! - Shouted angry while trying to break free

Nanomon: What are you doing?! - I shout angrily at the strange digimon

???: Stealing the work of the human who awakens Moonmillenniummon

Kai: Sure, call me work-He said more annoying

In that Greymon threw a ball of fire against the Devidramon that attacked him and with his tail, he threw away the one that caught Kai.

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