Moving to L.A.

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Sarah's P.O.V

    The past month has been absolute hell. Packing, worrying about Jack, Mark, Felix and Ryan and my relationship with Ethan has been growing stronger by the day. Of course he's also worried for the guys and we were both on the edge of our seats on the plane ride too L.A. just because of how badly we wanted to see them and make sure they were okay.

    The second I saw Jack's green hair I imideatly ran over and hugged him. "Ah Jesus Christ you scared me Sarah!" He said with a laugh while he hugged me back. "How have you been. Me and Ethan have been so worried about all of you guys." I said and pulled away too look at him. He had one of those tired sad smiles on his face as he talked. "Well we're hanging in there. It hasn't been the best three months but...we've gotten through it." He replied.

    "Don't worry. If he even tries to lay a hand on you I will fucking slap the shit out of him. Even if I see him he's getting slapped, hard." I said. He chuckled. "Thanks Sar. Now we can talk more at home, let's get all yours and Ethan's  stuff in order and head to your new appartment. I've been dying to see it!" He said.



    "Woah....this place is amazing!" Jack said as we walked into the appartment. Boxes were stacked up against the wall but the rest of the appartment was still beautiful. "Damn this place is so nice." Mark said and Felix and Ryan aggreed.

" Mark said and Felix and Ryan aggreed

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     "It's nice isn't it

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     "It's nice isn't it." Ethan said, wrapping an arm around me. "Hell yeah. How much did you guys pay for it?" Felix asked. "We rent it so $1,050 a month and we each pay half." I said. "Wow that's a pretty good deal." Ryan said. "Yup it is." I said. "Oh crap we better go. We all have to start recording soon." Mark said. "You guys go ahead to the car I want to talk to Sarah and Ethan about something." Ryan said. "Alright. Let's go. Don't be too long Ryan." Felix said and ruffled his hair before exiting with Mark and Jack and closing the door behind him. "So what did you want to talk about?" Ethan asked.


Ryan's P.O.V.

    "Yeah I just wanted to talk about the current situation and explain it out to you guys fully so you understand how bad it actually is. They might have seemed fine when they were just here but trust me when I say this they aren't." I continued exlplaining the texts Mark had gotten, all the nightmares, the fact Felix and Jack had to see each other every hour or they would both freak out and start texting each other, and everything else that had happened while they were gone.

     "Don't worry too much because I don't want you to get wrapped up in this mess. Ill send pictures of the messages later just so you guys can seem. I encourage watching your back, locking the doors and windows at night, just take precatious. I know Jack would be even more heart broken if something happened to you guys because you weren't even involved in the first place." I said. "Thanks for telling us Ryan. If you ever need to talk, we're here for you man." Ethan said. Sarah nodded her head in aggrement. "Thank you guys. Well I better get going before they get too worried about me. Remember what I told you and you should be safe. Not like anythings going to happen to either one of you, just take precations please." I said and stood up.

     "We will. Juts worry about Mark, Jack and Felix. We'll be fine Ry." Sarah said. "Yeah yeah I know but I just don't want anything to happen to anyone so I'm watching out for everyone. Just be careful okay? I asked. "Yeah don't worry about us Ryan I promise absolutly nothing will happen to us." Ethan said

I wish he could still say the same thing now

Maybe if I just worried more, she would still be here right now....

Yeah I just did that

A cliff hanger only on the second chapter your welcome 😂😋

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