I promise

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Mark's P.O.V.

I watched as Ryan made his way under the fort Jack and Felix had made with Felix in his arms. "Look who finally joined me under here. I thought I would be lonley forever." I said and lifted the blanekt up so he could come underneith it. Jack was sleeping in my lap, his head in the crook of my neck. "Sorry I didn't want to wake Felix so I waited until he fell into a deeper sleep so I could get up and join you under here. The couch gets surprisingly comftorable after a while." He said as he made himself comftorable next to me.

"It's all good. I'm probably not going to fall asleep tonight thought. What if Ken and Amy are really working together. Who knows how much power they would have together!" I said. "Yeah your right I'm worried about that too. There is so much evidence that they are. Oh and there's something that I should tell you." He said. "Yeah what is it?" I asked and wrapped my other arm that wasn't around Jack, around him.

"Ken messaged me the other night and I didn't know how to tell anyone. But I think now is the right time since Jack and Felix are asleep and it's just us." Ryan replied. "Holy shit dude. What did he say?" I asked. "He said he wanted me back and I should just give up and not fight anymore. He wants me too meet him somewhere so he can take me back as his own." Ryan replied. "Your not-- your not going to go right?" I asked, my voice cracking. "No of course not. There is no way in hell that I would leave you, Jack and Felix for that--that monster." He looked over at me just as tears started rolling down my face. "Hey, hey don't cry Mark. I promise I'm not going anywhere." He said and wiped the flowing tears from my eyes.

"I can't loose you too. I don't want you to go I don't want anyone to go. I just wish this could be over already." I replied, my tears falling more stedily now. "I know I know. I feel the same way." He said and continued wiping tears.

I pulled the three smaller males closer to me and held them tight. "I am not letting those two idiots take you guys away from me. I can't loose you guys." I said, nuzzling Jack who seemed to be half awake half asleep. "Please dont cry Marki ." He said, attempting to wipe tears off my face with his eyes closed. "Sh sh. Go back too sleep my love." I said and planted a kiss on his forehead. He seemed to relax when I did this, his breathing changing indicating that he had fallen back asleep.

"I'm sorry you have too see me like this Ry. It's just been so crazy lately I can't keep my emotins in check." I said. "It's okay don't even worry about it. I compleatly understand how your feeling. How about we try to sleep, yeah?" Ryan asked. "Yeah that sounds good." I said, nuzzling him slightly. I heard him chuclke slightly and he kissed my cheek before closing his eyes and falling asleep. And like always I was the last one awake.



*A few hours later*

Ryan's P.O.V.

I woke up from the buzzing of my phone. I groaned and reached out my hand to try and find it. My eyes were still closed as I rummaged around. I groaned again as I stuggled to open my eyes. I had left my phone on the couch outside of the fort. I placed Felix in the spot I was in so Mark wouldn't wake up and I creeped out of the fort to grab my phone.

"Hello?" I asked groggily. All I heard was crying. "Who is this it's like 2 in the morning?" I asked again. "R-Ryan it's me. E-Ethan...." He said and sniffled. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked and sat on the couch. "I-Its Sarah. The-they" his voice cracked as a sob erupted from his mouth. "They took her didn't they?" I asked and got up to grab my shoes. All he did was cry more. "Listen to me Ethan deep breaths okay. I'll be there soon, where are you exactly?" I asked as I slipped on my shoes. "T-The apartment...." He stuttered. "Okay see you in a few just keep breathing okay?" I said. He said "mhmm" and I heard him try to control his breathing before I hung up.

//Tear in my heart// Septiplier skype book two Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora