chapter5-Getting over him

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How the hell was I suppose to go  back there after that I am not going back am going back to england where my friends are the hell I ain't going back ,I have an idea i am not going  tomorrow. Chace came a short while after me and knocked on the door asking,"m can I come in please we need to talk, sis."I got up and open the door and walk back to my bed and sit down.

He came in an closed back the door,and sat on the bed chace was my twin and he felt everything I felt. He broke the silence between us by saying,"I heard me what happen m,am sorry sis."I saw the hurt in his eyes my brother love me to the moon and back.

I then replied, "how could I chace, how could i." He hugged me and said, "want me to do something about it." No I couldn't let him do that ruin his reputation for me .I look at him and answered, "no don't it's ok."

Chace POV.

How can I not she's my twin and if she is hurt I'm hurt. I'm going to do it but not let her know. I looked at her and said,"ok m I will not  inter fare but how do you intended to go through all the troubles uhhhh?"

She smiled and I know she had a plan she is like a mastermind and she replied,"I am thinking of  not got going just pretend."  She's crazy  absolutely crazy why just why.

I said,"ok mam" what the hell she's just Amanda nothing  more than Amanda. I got up and walked to the door and I saw something she kept it our picture from our 16th birthday. I turn to her and smile and said, "you kept it after all we been through."

She smiled at me and said,"of course I would your my brother."

I went downstairs and as my  mother was about to called us,m said she was fine, I guess she didn't want to talk about her day.

*time skip*

As I walk in the school, I see Alvin, Theodore's best friend, Theodore and some more of his friends I walk over to them just I time to hear Alvin talking about my sis," and the bitch run out of the class as the bell rang, we all start to laugh." I stop to listen to what they were doing and he continued, " the look on his face was priceless Haaa-aaa." He laugh and that was it I snap it take me 3 steps to reach towards him and slam him in the wall holding him by his shoulder shouting at him,"STOP FUCKING SPREADING RUMORS ABOUT MY SIS OR I WILL FUCKING KICK YOUR ASS YOU GET ME!!"

I let go of him and was going to go back class when, I feel a pair of hands on me and I was push not that hard but, enough to let me stumble I turn around to see how had the brains to touch me let alone push me well they must not have a brain if they bear to put their filth hands on me. 

As i looked around to see who I would have to kill on the terrible morning I am having so far I see Alvin smiling as if he was looking at a sight of his major crush bumping her boyfriend, I hope he have or had been looking at her cause when I am done with him he is going to wish he never push me, he won't be able to show his mug of a face to her let alone leave the hospital for months.

I didn't even say anything as my fist connected in his jaw and he stumbled back not giving him time to react I give him 2 more in his face one on his bridge of a nose the other in his bottom (ass) of a mouth. He fall to the front weeping in pain. I step towards him and drop my timber land (shoes) in is stomach 3 times, I kick him repeatedly in his leg till I heard a *SNAP!* please with what I have done I lower my self to sit on his stomach and fist he in the face in all different parts of it.

A few second later I was pull back off him not even look to see who did it I turn and hit the person in the face, hard. I suddenly realized who it is and I was so scared I could shit myself.

The man, correction the giant towing me is no other than Mr. Sniper McFarlane, the gym teacher he does not smile, laugh, play, joke or even wipe off the evil look he always have on. He is fare by all even our principal, rumors say he was a hit man far some big times mafia boss or that he was the mafia boss his self and is taking a brake from his burg life for a while.

Anyways back to the topic at hand, my teacher was holding my arm suezzing it I look up at him the demand, " now who want to explain what the fuck I going on here?"

Amanda's POV

I told my mom that I was feeling a bit sick and I stayed at home for the time. I got up after she went out the door,I looked about eggs and Bacon with toast. then suddenly I heard a knock I  walked to the door I open it and I saw demon.

Omg demon, what the hell his he here for. he's suppose be in Paris.

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