chapter-8 2 dates

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Chapter -8 2 dates

Everyone started staring at me. I jump of the table and hide behind of demon. I am not ashamed of my body its just that the position I was placed in where persons were looking at me while I was half naked and making out on top of a school's desk was embarrassing.

Chase shouted," wtf are you doing !!"

Chase said while he grabbed me off the table and pushed his best friend, demon on the ground .I  replied, " I'm sorry but my affection towards his is soo..."

Chase yelled,"what noo!" he cuts me off mid sentence. Demon got up and said,"chill out bro am sorry but I really like your sister." I looked at demon  what demon likes me .demon look at me with shame like he just got shot.

I took my dress up and put it on then I walk from behind of demon and said,"you really like me." My brother girp me by the harm and said,"what the fuck no you guys are not suppose to be in love fuck no just stay the fuck away from my sis and you stay the you  fuck away from him OK."

Demon let out a sigh and replied, "yes but are we still good." Chase smiled and said,"of course we are bro ."
I looked at Theodore and he was clenching his teeth and fold a fist like he wanted to beat a heavy weight champion.

I looked at Mr McFarlane then suddenly he shouted,"wtf is going on here and boy did you Just curse  infront of me you know what, fuck this u kids are suspended for 3 days I will call you're parents and tell them." He walked out mumbling," the shits I have to put up with. " we all laugh and walked to take a seat.

Mr McFarlane turn back and said this is the last day of detention for y'all u fools after this I don't want to see u tell Monday got it."
He did not wait for an answer he just left.

After ten minutes in a complete silence I got bored of my phone. I took out my sketch pad and started drawing. after throwing away three mess up paper my brother walked over to me and said,"hey sis."I looked up at him and shake my head he took a seat and took my sketch pad from me and said, "I know what to do if you don't want to talk to me." He sat there for ten minutes then he showed me this.

" He sat there for ten minutes then he showed me this

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Note is not really her.

He drew me  It looks like me ,but that doesn't mean he can make me speak to him. I took the pad from him and stared at it. I started laughing mean while crying OK he can make me speak to him ,my twin. I hugged him and said ,"I'm sorry."demon walked over to us  and smiled at me . Then the bell rang and we got up and walked to the main door.

While walking I hear someone shout, " emy!" I turn to see Theodore walking more like running towards me. I turn and ask," yes? What is it?"
" so" he began, " I was wondering, like how we have  some time away from school like to hung out Saturday. " he rub the back of his neck he seem a bit nervous.

Ya yea we known that I am happy, angry and shock that he is talking to me, but what shock me more are 2 things. One the fact that he asked me out on a date  or whatever it is call. And two the fact that he was nervous to ask me. 

"Um.. Sure I would love to hung out with you Saturday." I reply happily

" fantastic " he smile moving a  strain of my hair behind my ear and whisper in my ear, " and bring your swim suite I would not want to miss the opportunity of seeing your amazing body. " he then kiss my cheek walking off to his girlfriend and friends.

I am shell shock not because he wanted to see me in a bikini no, I am shock because he kiss me when his girlfriend was only 10 feet's away from us.

I'm more then positive that my mouth is wide open and my face is as red as a tomato at this moment. Taking me out of my thought was Chace throwing his arm over my shoulder while saying," I hate that guy, the guts of him to ask you out on a date right in front of me uhhh I  want to ring his neck."

" leave him alone its not like you have ask me out."

" do you want me to ask you out. "

" i don't know, do you want to ask me out." I say with a small smile

" if I ask you out  what would you say." He smirk

" I don't know ask and you will know."

" OK red would you go on a date with me. " he said

" I will love nothing more than to go on a date with you dee."  How Lucky of me to have two breath taking asking me on a date the same day even though I had to ask one to ask me out. Whatever it is still a date.

" so how about I pick you up at yours Saturday afternoon for our fabulous first date." He said with a devilish smirk

" what Saturday I can't I have to hung out with Theodore that day and you know it."

" I know and that's the point. "

"What?" I ask confusedly

" I don't what you to hung out with Theodore you are mine."he reply putting his hand on my lower back.

" first of all you can't tell me how I can and can't hung out with, second I don't belonged to you are any one." I was happy that he claim me as his but also angry I mean I am not an object.

" yes and yes I can tell you what to do and you belong to me." I could tell he was only playing but a part of me wish he was not.

"Ya whatever..." I was cut off by Chace clearing his throat. I totally forgot he was standing next to me. I look a he and speak," so..." Once again I was cut off but this time he speak.

" am guessing you forgot I am standing here. Any ways I no longer care if you and my sis date. I mean I do care if you hurt her I will kill you." Chace said to demon.

Demon nodded and promised to treat me like the queen I am. But its funny because we are not dating " yet "although to my self.
After wards the 3 of us walk to to Chace's jeep I took the back seat while demon sit next to  Chace in the front.

The drive home was a peaceful  silence. After arriving home I head to my room, took a quick
bath, got dress in a over size T-shirt that reach a little bit over my knees and a men's boxer.

I head down stairs and head to the living room to find the boys playing a video game I could care less that the name is. I sat their for a few hours watching the two jackasses screaming at the screen when ever they die.

Around 4:30 I made dinner, after we finish eating it was a little after 6 . like how we are not go to school tomorrow we all watch a movie maze runner, mom called 7:39 asking if we are OK and if I  eat after saying yes she say she might be home late due to ' work' I had a feeling mom was seeing someone but the true will come out soon.

The movie finish around 9:47 and demon went home half an hour before. I go to my room laying on my bed thinking about my 2 dates 3 days from now finally decided to wait for the day to come to think about that I let sleep take over.

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