chapter -11 the dinner

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After mom announced that my teacher,  Mr McFarlane, the most faired, strick and force to respect meaning the way the school fair him they have to respect him, is her boyfriend the room went pin dropped silent and a few minutes later I ask," mom you are kidding right you can't be dating him he's my teacher and is super awkward, mom please, do you know what the kids at school are going to do and say to me when the find out, mom he is not your type, mom please find someone else. "

Mom look at me with sadness in her eyes," m baby aren't you happy that I am dating I was waiting so long to tell you guys I even-" I stop her mid sentence, " what do you mean waited so long to tell you how long have you guys dating. "

" well... Um... 4 months but-" I stop her once more, " 4 months mom but we not even been here a week... Wait you guys know each other before we more omg was that the reason why we move so you could be close to your boyfriend. "

" sweety yes but-"

" but what mom you fly me across the world to be with your boyfriend I can't believe this I leave my life my friends the home I grow up in with all the memory of dad just to be with your boyfriend. " I am so angry at my mom right now. Mom keep silent I know she is sad that I am not supportive of her relationship but I am angry she would do something like that to me.

As I was going to leave Chace open his shit hole," Amanda why are you being a angry jealous bitch."

" I'm am not talking to you ass wipe so stay the fuck out of my business. " I look at him with disguised

This time Mr McFarlane decided to speak, " you kids need to stop you're hurting your mother yes, she hid that we are dating but so what its her life she's sorry for not telling you but she is now.

Amanda nothing will change at school the students won't bully you if they don't know so if you guys don't tell them they won't know, I was the one who ask your mom to move here I wanted to be close to her I love her I did not meant to take you away from your friends or the place you grow up in but I love your mom.

Chace I am not sure if you are happy with this relationship but I want us to be gentleman about this OK so don't act like a kid with different pranks to end this relationship if you do I will make sure you live a life of hell and I am not joking I love Liz.

I am not trying to replaced your father, however,  you guys still need show me respect I will not act like your teacher but liz boyfriend when I am here which is not too often but when I am at school I want no be treated like the teacher.

Now that, that's out of the way go  wash up for dinner and I am not trying to be the boss of you but Amanda why in gods name you wear something like that out for you are practically naked."

Everyone in the room was looking at him the whole time until he chose to put me in the spotlight the the tables turn and mom feel to comment, " m baby why did you leave the house dress like that. "

I was going to answer when Chace open his shit pit again," when she left this morning she told me she was going to a strip club to fine a man because there are not any in this house I try stopping her but she get in but the old thing that is park up out their I think its time we sell it don't you mom we can make some money. " he finish the smirking at the last part.

I did not even care that he tell mom what I said as I left all I care about is that he want to sell dad car. I did not stop myself from crying as I walk up to mom and beg holding her arm," mom please you can't sell it please its the only thing I have that remained me of him please mom I will do any thing just don't sell it."

Only mom and Chace know what I am take about how much I love the car it's the only thing I have of my dad the room went pin dropped silent once more until Chace start shiting out words from his pit," we can continued with Amanda crying her eyes out to keep the car or we can eat am starving."

He did not wait for and answer he just walk away a while after demon, Emma and mom left mom said before she leave that we will continue at dinner my head was down until Mr McFarlane ask if I was OK I nod and ran up stairs in to my room and lay down not realizing I wanted to sleep until I started to drift off and I did not fight it minutes later the darkness consume me.

"Red wake up dinner is ready." I hear demon whisper in my ears
" mhmm fuck off I wanna sleep " i huff. He chuckle and put the cover off me I was arguing with him for a while after I room a 15 minutes shower after getting out I put on a tank top and a sweat pants and let my hair fall under my butt yeah my hair is that long.

After making it to the dining hall I take a seat next to mom and demon sit on my other side dinner was going great until you know who decided to open his shit pit and what he said make me choke.

" so mom I got a buyer for the car and the are paying in cash so by tomorrow morning that garbage will be off your lawn and you and Emma can make a garden like you always wanted back home."

I choke on my food and demon help me by knocking my back and then give a glass of water and told me to drink I happily did. After I drink the water I love and Chace who is  waring a smug
Smile looking right at me I open my mouth to curse the living hell out of him but stop I am tired of fighting with him from this morning we were at each other throats and I am fed up.

" Chace what did I do to you, " my voice is sound as if I would start crying any time soon," why are you trying to get rid of only thing that remained me of him why do you hate him that much or is it me." I look at him he look taken back.

" I don't hate you manda it's-" he try to protest but I stop him

Chace why are you doing this i-" he cut me off with a shout.

" he left me, he abandoned me he-" It was my turn to cut him off

" no Chace he abandoned us its not only you dad walk out on you me and mom so stop acting like its only you he is hurt stop OK you have no idea what I went through I have to go to therapy for weeks I couldn't eat sleep I cry my self to sleep every night wondering why he left what I did to make him leave I blame my self saying I was not a good enough daughter, which you fly off to France enjoying life when I needed you when I needed a brother to tell me it will be ok when I needed a male figure in the house you were not here," I stand up and continue," and now that you are here you are trying to have a repeat of what happen 3 years ago it will be the exact same cause I will be mom and me just like last time for their is no man In  this house in this family as I said before." Tears run down my cheek.

" what do you mean their is no man in this house this family. " he stand up as well no one was going to anything they only watch us not eating not talking just watching.

I laugh," sure their are man in this house Mr McFarlane and demon they are man in this house but in this family their are none" I seriously said the last part with a louder vioce.

" manda-" he try shout

" no Chace no!! you are not a man a man don't hit a-" I shout but did not finish

"Amanda Sofie Perri!!" He shout there is a lot of shouting going on here and no one seems to stop it

"  THATS MY NAME NOT MY FUCKING NUMBER NOW-" Slap!!  A pain hit my cheek Third time today its time people love hitting me. I look to see my mom angry like never before he face is as red from anger this is the first time for me to see her like this.

" why the hell are you kids emebarasing me to say I brought a guess to the house and this is how you behave and not and old guess my boyfriend and your teacher. You two are not child so stop acting like you are, Amanda stop been stupid about a fucking car Chace is selling the car and that's is, the only thing that remains you of that waste of space you call a father will be gone so stop acting like a spoil brat."

There was so much I wanted to say but I bite the my lip to keep it and my tears in every one has the limit and I have just reach mine I could not take it any more and just run up the stairs to my room and lock the door. I hear my mom, demon and Chace asking me to open the door but I ignored them and use my laptop looking at whatever till I fell asleep.

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