chapter 12-Saturday

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So basically I have seal my self in my room for the past 2 days the only person I let I my room and talk to is. Yes its demon when he is here he bring my breakfast and dinner if he didn't take it to me then I don't eat simple.

Demon told me yesterday that my so call family sold the car and guess what's the best part. No  you guess wrong they did not give me the money well not all of it anyways. The wicked little bitches give me half call me selfish I don't care they don't like him yet they take money the got for selling his car. Not that I am a money hunger bitch but... Ahhhh what's the point dwelling in the past the car is gone the only thing that remains me of him is gone.

Currently I am taking a bathe demon wake me up about 2hours ago even tho it was only 7am knowing me not a morning person lets just say it was not easy and pleasant.

Relaxing in the bath tub I hear demon call asking me to get my ass out of the water. Getting out I rap a towel around my naked wet body I walk in my room seen demon on my bed. He is laying on his belly with his laptop in front of him looking for a movie for to watch.

I walk in my closet its not big are small just the right size. I take out a simple dress that is a little bit above my knee then walk out to see demon looking at me  while biting his lip. I was going to blow dryer my when a pair of hands rap around my waist and lift me up I scream.

" ahhhh demon put me the fuck down if you make me fall I will fucking kill you!"

" red what have you been eating you weigh next to nothing. " he laugh

" is that a complement are and insult now put me the fuck down. " I shout while he spin me around

" red is that any way to talk to me where is your boyfriend and yes its a bit of both also I will put you down if you give me some thing. "

" first of all you are not my boyfriend so I talk to you anyway you like next what do you want you dib shit." I have no idea what possess me to say that but what he did next make me scream as if someone is torchering me.

He throw me up and my ass slightly touch the roof and I scream so hard my throat hurts he did it 3 more times and tears is in my eyes wanting out but I did not let it,So I beg him to put me down.

" dee am so sorry I curst at you am so so sorry please put me down I will do any thing please demon am begging please put me down. "

he smile the put me on the bed and sat next to me and ask," see red that was not hard now was it ?" I glear a at he with a look that say ' fuck you' he only smirk and ask," would you want to me to do do it again?" I shake my head violently," no! no! no! I am sorry" " OK so let's talk about what I am getting. " I ask him what it is but he said to wait.

We are now watching a movie Bad Dad Rehad half way it my phone rang but I did not pick it up I was too beep in the movie to care who it is or what they want. The movie finish and I wanted to watch another so I chose vampire diaries demon complain saying he wanted to watch Teen Wolf  but I refuse he whine like a baby that want something but I bid not submit to him. We are now at episode ten when my phone stare to ring again this is like the 20th time it rang I have no problem with it but I can't say the same for demon.

He growl and sat up, " red answers your damn phone are I will."

"Then do it." I reply tiredly

He answer the phone in an angry way," what the fuck do you want." There was a paused." And how the fuck you get this number. " another paused and I sat up curious about who its was I mouthed a ' who is it' but he only shake his head.

" she's currently taking off her clothes for me to-" before he could finish I grab my phone from him," hello this is Amanda speaking who is this and how can I help you? " I ask

" yeah emy its me Theodore just calling to fine out if you still up for hunging out cause its almost 1:00 and you're not here."

" omg Theo I'm so sorry I totally forgot give me half and hour oh where am I suppose to met you."

" Maid With Taste I'll be waiting and don't forget to wear a sexy bikini."

" ya see you there." I hang up and  ran to my closet and pull out a beach bag and put a bikini in not look at which one it is a hat sunglasses sun cream money my phone etc ect. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a sandals.

I was about to leave my room when I realize I have no way to get there. I turn around to see demon looking at me with a smug smile he knows I walk over to him smiling," I want a kiss" he said out of nowhere.

" what?" I ask

" if you want me to give you a ride you will give me a kiss " he smile

" OK" I walk over to him its not much i mean I do more then kiss already.

" no not now" he got up and walk out the room I wonder what he is up to

                  *time skip*

We just pull up at the café and we exist the car I walk ahead of dee and enter the café and look for Theodore just as I see him demon enter shouting, " red why do you have to go hang out with those stupid idiots we could just go home and make love till the sun goes down." Everyone in the café was looking at us and that's when Theodore noticed me I look away from him and to demon.

" demon why are you shouting " I whisper he only roll his eyes and ask where Theodore is I point at him and he pull me to the table where Theodore his bitch Deandra the 3 guys from the times I last came here Zane Zack Nancy and Alvin I guess he feel better from the time Chace kick his ass.

We stop at the table and Theodore smile at me," nice of you to join us." Before I could answer demon did," I want her home before 7 you got me." I glear at him and try to say something but jay cut me off.

" and you're what her father." He laugh not making eye contact with us.Demon slam his hands on the table every body at the table jump in surprise and look at him.

" listen and listen damn good if she isn't back before 7 then there well be hell to pay"

" is that a threat"

" no its a promise." They look straight into each other eyes not blinking not talking not smiling its was only 2 minutes but it feel like 2 hours so I put a stop to it

" OK demon I think its time you  leave." I try to push him

" yes fine I'm leaving and remember before 7"

" yes now go see you later."

He hole my waist and smile at me," remember the kiss you owe me I think I will taking it now"
" now I mean right here "

" yes" then he slam his lips on mine it was a sweet kiss until he bite my lip I gasp and he take that chance to slip his tongue in my mouth we fought for dominant til I give up. Then his hands went to my ass and squeeze it I gasp and grab his shoulder he then began to slowly lift my dress and let my black thong be on display then I hear a small wolf whistle I try to take one of his hand away from under my dress but he spank and squeeze me ass so I give up.

He finally pull away and we catch our breathes I rest my forehead on his and try to clam my breathing the ask," can you remove hand and leave now."

" hush red you have the worse manners any ways see you later "
He give my ass a last slap before walking to the door he stop and say something that make me as red as an apple and the hole café look at him, " BTW that thong fits your ass too good." Then he leave and let me deal with the emebarastmet

I turn around to see everyone looking at me I shout," shows over"

I look at the table Theodore is at and all the guys mouth was practically on the ground the two bitches send me evil glears but I ignored them


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