Chapter nine: Meeting Friends

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I'm currently standing in Tabias's room debating on if I should go downstairs like he told me to. I know it's no big deal, the guy didn't mean to walk in on me and probably thought I was just one of his guy friends taking a shower but that still doesn't mean I'm not embarrassed. He saw me naked, yes he was half a sleep and probably still a little drunk but he still saw me naked.

I decide to go downstairs and just face them, considering Tabias and me share a room I can't really ignore him and plus I'm hungry. I walk downstairs into the kitchen and see Tabias eating fruit loops from the box like a cave man.

" Are you not awake enough to get a bowl? "

I ask.

" Are you going to scream at me if I don't? "

He smirks and I glare at him.

" No need to be embarrassed I'm sure he doesn't even remember it, he was half drunk. "

Tabias states.

" No one can forget that shriek of death. "

I hear someone say and I look to see the guy from the bathroom walking in.

" That's not helping. "

Tabias tells him.

" When do I help? "

Tabias goes to say something but then shuts his mouth.

" I'm Aron, sorry about how we met. Although I admit the sight was one I will remember. "

He winks and I cringe while Tabias just rolls his eyes.

" Relax I'm joking, sort of. "

He laughs and goes to get food from the pantry.

" Don't mind him he sees all women as trophy's to collect. "

Tabias grumbles.

" He's just mad because I won't add him to my list. "

He winks at Tabias and Tabias chokes on his fruit loops.

" You however sweet heart, I will gladly add to my list if you are up for it. "

He says winking at me.

" Um no thank you. "

I reply awkwardly.

" Suit yourself but you will come around, they always do. "

He smiles, taking a bite out of an apple.

" You shit face twat! "

I hear someone yell and suddenly a orange comes into contact with Tabias's head.

" Ow! "

" Don't Ow me you bitch! You left me in a bush to die so you could unflower some woman! "

He yells at him.

" I think it's deflower not unflower. "

Aron comments.


Aron puts his hands up in surrender.

" All of you are dead to me. "

The guy grumbles and snatches the box of fruit loops from Tabias.

" Hey those are mine! "

" If you touch this box I will rip your limb off. "

" It's all yours. "

The guy glares at Tabias while he munches on his fruit loops but then his eyes land on me.

" You're the girl he left me for! They don't usually stay this long though. "

" Hey Ron? "

Tabias ask.

" Yeah? "

" Shut up. "

" Ohhhh I see what's going on here. My little Tib Tib has a crush. "

Tib Tib?

" I swear if you don't shut up I will hit you so hard all the gayness will leave your body. "

" but that's like ninety percent of him. "

Aron comments.

" Wait what's the other ten percent? "

" Porn. " .

" You guys are just jealous that you can't be as fabulous as me. "

Ron says striking a pose.

I watch all of them bicker back and forth as I wonder how I'm going to survive a weekend with all of them.

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