he fell for me, chapter one.

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There are certain moments in life that you are prepared for or certainly think you're prepared for

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There are certain moments in life that you are prepared for or certainly think you're prepared for. For instances, the first time you... go to school, thinking your ready to meet everyone yet stumble into awkward conversations or none at all. The first time you go on a date, quirky jokes don't flow because you're so nervous — but you could've have sworn you practiced in the mirror.  Maybe my point wasn't so eloquently put and I apologise, as I was delicately trying to piece together my point which is,

there are moments you're most certainly not prepared for!

Like, you know, the time where a massive geezer falls from the sky in only his shorts—never saw an NHS advert showing me what to do when this happened. His long fair hair soaked wet from the rain filled skies.

 It was a strange contrast, the way his skin was so tan against the damp and dull scenery of East London; you could tell he was from elsewhere (if you missed the massive clue of him falling from the sky). Everything was vibrant about the guy, saturated and bursting with colour. Seeming as if he was dropped into the wrong world by fate. 

I watched as the man descend from the sky (in such a dramatic way, might I say) and panicked, running around in circles in my kitchen until I finally grabbed my keys from the hallway table and ran outside. I ran out of the front of my door, watching as his hands were outstretched in front of him, one leg wavered higher in comparison to the other and his head was thrown back.

When he hit the floor, I was expecting to be hit with gushes of blood that would fly at me from his fatal wounds and for me to scream for a least five minutes because I was frozen in shock; watching the blood drip over my pyjama bottoms and vest as I alerted the neighbours with my scream to call the police or ambulance.

But instead, my ears were greeted with a dull thud and the continuous pitter patter of rain.

thwoop. the wind washed around him, being heard with the sound of his side connecting to the softened grass and mud... lets not forget the sound of the rain.

To say the least, it was underwhelming and disappointing at first. I had already covered my mouth and turned my head in fear, a little 'oh' fumbled past my lips as I turned to look at the body. I'm one for dramatics, if you haven't noticed it yet, and this situation was fuelling that trait (that most found really annoying, not my fault they're dull). 

His back was turned to me and my reaction began to change into utter shock and fear because, first of all, 'what the bloomin eck' is going on and how did he survive that?' which is what I had exclaimed in my head on a loop, but a rush of, 'oh my gosh's' escaped my lips.

I rushed over to the man, running down the few steps that lead to my house, diagonally through the concrete pathway and into the grass. The rain began to get heavier, soaking my pj's through and through, making moving and everything in between heavy and harder to do.

Crouching down, I brushed my hand over his back as it contorted abnormally, flashes of a pale pink seemed to be erupting under his skin; allowing me to see the circuitry of his veins and the throbbing of his muscles. It was only then did I hear a grumble or grunt come from his plump and dry lips when the dusty pink flashes turned to an inky black. The sight was beautiful and unusual as raindrops ran along his back.

I shuffled along the grass to see his face (when I most definitely should've 'shuffled' my arse back inside to call an ambulance), it was scrunched in pain and his arms were stiff at his side as if he was being shocked by himself; but of course, it was obviously a seizure! I mean as human as this situation gets, it just had to be a seizure, not a gear up to spontaneous combustion or some supernatural occurrence. His arm that had hit the ground first looked brutal, swollen and red with bruises forming by the second, which the street lights let me see.

"Hey, urm..." I mumbled as I moved him on to his back and tried to cushion his head with my thighs, letting his head rest on my lap. My heart was thumping, my skin feeling as if it were going to jump from my body due to how bad I was shaking. I couldn't see much, the rain clouded my vision and so many senses attacked me at once; my glasses weren't of much use and I threw them some where on the grass.

I didn't like seeing others in pain, wasn't a thing a majority would enjoy but, I always tried to aid people through their pain even if it meant causing my own; like that time my friend was the centre of attention in a roasting session and it was getting personal so I attempted to stop it and, well, some friends are not your friends.

I didn't want to move the man any more than I had already moved him, letting the seizure subside was the only way to remedy the situation. I had to give him space, but I would brush my hand against his cheeks as he thrashed in my lap. Sitting there in the rain holding this man as he shook, his eyes were wide and his lips agape, it's only then did I realise that I'd never seen a face so full of ... fear.

I'd never seen eyes like his, naturally a pale pink that had white speckles and his iris was pinpointed, but would expand and reshape itself as he saw what he could only see. I brushed my hand against his face that was sculpted into a diamond, the hollows of his cheeks fell and puffed out as he exhaled loudly as turned his head into the heat of my hand. His seizure now a small tremor, I pressed my lips against his forehead feeling his pain as I did so; his trembles stilled and he finally closed his eyes.

He somewhat slumped into my lap, his hands flexed and, after a moment, he reached up to hold my hand and moved to reach around my shoulder I watched him drag himself up with the arm wrapped around my neck, his head falling into the curve of my neck.

I could feel the contour of his face, his lips were plump and scratched against the surface of my neck due to their dry exterior. He was weak at the moment and I watched with fear, feeling stupidity run through my veins, as I picked him and stumbled inside my house.

Not knowing who he was, what he was and why he was here battled with my instincts to care for him, the look in his eyes that screamed absolute dread.

I couldn't help it.

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