he fell for me, chapter two.

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He was laying on my couch, he'd been out for a while and I didn't know what to do with myself. Logically, I should've called an ambulance and I did... after poking him a little bit to make sure he was real; not to mention FaceTiming Lisa to make sure she could see him too. That she could, she'd yelled at me for waking her up so early but was intrigued by the 'peng bloke' that had ended up on my mahogany loveseat.

I finally ended the FaceTime with Lisa saying that she'd come over later and then I called the ambulance. They came within five to ten minutes and I ushered four of the paramedics into my quaint living room. Two of them were women and the other two were men, a balance of gender and a diversity of ethnicity it seemed at first glance. They asked me questions like, who is he, what was his name and I couldn't provide them with a coherent  answer.

I told them that I had found saw him drop from the sky and onto my floor, they stopped what they were doing for a moment to give me a strange look. They asked me if I liked to come with them after a while of awkward silence.


I mean there was that one tim

I could only nod as I watched them hook the man up to machines and an IV, they shouted things to one another as they began to move him along and out of my home in uniform synchronisation on a gurney. In my soaked pyjamas I was helped into the back of the ambulance and we drove off.

The man was still, his tanned skin looked sweaty and sickly under the white light of the ambulance. I rubbed my forehead, feeling icky in my clothing and really blindsided by this whole situation; I was supposed to be in bed, binge watching memes, funny videos and puppy videos on instagram and reading political twitter beef, but here I was: being the good samaritan.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I looked out of the window, in my peripherals, I could also see the man's body shake. I turned toward him to see his eyes were open again, the pale pink eyes were screaming in anticipation of something that I couldn't decipher with just his expression. 

That was when I saw the spark, then more and more flew above my house and the tiles off of my roof skidded down to crumble in front of my doorstep. My mouth felt dry, then I realised it was because my jaw was almost touching the floor! My roof was ruined and as the ambulance sped away from the disastrous scene, as something landed on their two feet amongst the rubble that was half of my roof. I was screeching at them to stop and was even arguing with the female paramedic, her name had flown out of mind and lain with the rubble of my roof. 

"Please, can you just pull over quickly and I'll jump out?" I asked frantically and the lady looked at me empathically and said,

"I'm sorry, Miss, and I would recommend you stay in the vehicle; you are the only person who knows what has happened tonight and we do not have your details and a confirmed story." She said in a rush as she reached out to touch me, I looked back and without my glasses, the guy was a blur as he steadied himself and looked up to find my bewildered and horrified stare.

He became clearer as he began to run at the ambulance, he was covered in all black attire that made him blend with the night. His hair the same, but shorter in resemblance to the man I had found first and his eyes were a dark colour that I still couldn't pinpoint because of my shitty eyesight.

My eyes widened even further if that were possible and I scuffled backwards into a female paramedic who seemed confused as she looked at me as if I were mad. I felt mad as the female began to talk to me, but her movements slowed down until she stilled completely; her words faded into nothingness.

I was breathing heavily as I looked about me, I hadn't realised that the ambulance itself had stopped moving and the sound of rain had paused. I rushed to look out of the windows of the backdoors of the ambulance and found that the man had disappeared and that the rain had stopped midway in the air. I turned my head back to look back inside the ambulance and found that the liquid inside the man's IV had frozen still into a drip that didn't move.

I screamed but no noise came out, I fell against the doors of the ambulance and held my head; scared of the silence and scared of being alone in this pregnant silence and stillness of time. I lifted my head to look up again and still everyone was frozen, I stood up slowly and reached my hand out to try and touch the arm of the female paramedic who's face was still contorted in confusion as she looked at what was supposed to be my maddened expression. Her fair hair floated in the air due to her heads sudden swivel to face me.

My hand was seconds from touching her glove covered ones and then it went dark. I felt limp, my hands dropped and my body fell and I thudded against the floor, face first. The coolness of the metal floor made me notice how numb my body felt and how I was unable to feel not a single limb.

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