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and then she said to me "you are the passionate lover one dreams about. you are the sun in morning and i am the flowers who opens their petals for you. and when you lay down on the horizon again, petals shield themselves from the dark moon.'

"you are the tender lover one dreams about. you are the warm rays of sun in spring and i am a spring flower ready to bloom again. and when my gold pollen flies off, you are the bees kissing me gently.'

"you are the melancholic lover one dreams about. you are the sunsetting and the dark blue colors painting the sky and i am a meadow in the twilight woods. when your stars shine bright, my petals rest at the sight of you and all is calm.'

"you are the fun lover one dreams about. you are the birds that chirp and dance and i am the trees who listen and the wind who follows. your music is art to my ears, it keeps me growing and alive.'

"you are the lover i dream about. you are vein to my existence and i am the product of life. i am nature's calling that you love dearly."

and in that moment i understood the language of flowers.

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