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i arrived at my aunt betty's house in cutthroat city for the summer. she was the gossiper of the town so when i asked her about the freckled boy, she sat me down quickly.

"reach me a rose, honey, and pour me the last drop in a crystal glass and i'll tell you about him." she said as she sipped her tea.

"he is newphew to art and second cousin to the devil, his father was always out the image so cupid had to raise him. his mother died at birth, the poor thing never had a parent figure in his life. people say he's reached nirvana, but i just think he's a little depressed..." she continued rambling about him but i zoned out after she mentioned nirvana.

i've never meet someone who's in content with their lives. not even old people who are the verge of dying, they're usually saying something like "i just wished i could've done this before..." just like the rest of us.

i've never liked old people, they're annoying. they always seem like nice people until they drag on their stories.

"johnathan is always falling in love with different people. girls, boys, drags, cross-dressers, etc. it's always interesting to see who's he bringing into this town," she let out a puff of smoke from cigarette. now i was interested.

"a heartbreaker can't be the type of person you're interested, no i won't allow it!" aunt betty stood up with a huff.

i guess i shouldn't be thinking out loud.

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