15 | call

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penelope is calling dyldo
call accepted

"i dare you to
come over to my
trailer and say that
to my face bitch."

"im already on
my way.

what are you going
to do to me anyways?

hit me or something?

im terrified."

"you don't wanna
know what im going
to do to you.

it's going to be so good.

i just need to come up
with something."

"im outside."

"im only letting you
in so there's no witnesses."

"so you fucking
dick, you gonna murder
me or something?

because i can beat
your ass. i did it once
and i can do it again."

"oh really?

bring it on bitch!"

fight me!"

"you wanna fight?"

"fuck you!"

"oh, you wanna fuck?"

"hell yeah i do!"


call disconnected

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