Chapter 3

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Hannah's P.O.V


I watched in awe as the camper lined up and started talking amongst themselves. They didn't even notice us standing here, right infront of them. Although the tallest girl noticed us, I took the opertunity to look at her.

She had short, choppy dark hair and lightly tanned skin. She wore glasses and had a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She had flawless skin and hazel eyes. She wore a dark red blazer with a blue and white striped top underneath, dark skinny jeans and black converses with red laces. She was very leggy. I froze as I noticed the belt she was wearing was acctually a scabard, complete with sword. One hand rested on the hilt of the sword whilst the other rested on her hip. She turned towards the other campers and coughed.

Silence descended and the nine other campers looked at her, she stared at me from the corner of her eye and started speaking.

"I believe we have visitors."

Everyone turned and looked at us, Simon waved and a short girl with a dark shirt and trousers, complete with grey headband and sash, along with dark boots waved back. She had fiery ginger hair and a stunning grin cracking her face. She had plump cheeks and sparkling blue eyes.

Rachel chuckled. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Right you lot, the Yogscast are here and will be staying for a while, I want you to introduce yourself and what cabin your head of." The campers nodded and the sword girl stepped forward first and stooped into a low bow. Lewis blinked at her.

"Welcome, I am Lena, head of Xephos cabin." She stated, the smile still tugging at her lips. Next was the petite ginger girl, the smile got wider as she stepped forward.

"Uhhh..Hi, I'm Lizzie, I'm head of Honeydew cabin and I love jaffa cakes!" She giggled, Lena slowly facepalmed herself and rolled her eyes. Next was an average blonde girl with a blue top, denim jacket, jeggings, black pumps and a leather glove hanging from one belt loop. She had meinssy hair and long fingers. Her eyes were a dark gray.

"I'm Hero, head of Hannah's cabin, pleased to meet you." She said and smiled at me, I smiled back. Next was a small girl, around the same height as Lizzie with jet black hair and lightly tanned skin, wearing a red cloak around her petite frame and a one peice in purple with black pumps. She grinned at Kim.

"I'm Kylie and I'm head of Nanosound cabin!" She purred, her voice surprisingly strong for a girl her size. Next was an average height girl with a brown great coat on with gold square trim. She had red hair with black tips that reached her shoulders and a ruby nose peircing, she wore heavy black framed glasses and had dark eyes. Under the coat she wore jeggings and a white t-shirt along with blue vans. She stepped forward and bowed aswell, a mocking grin on her face.

"I'm Jac, head of Parv cabin, I listen to Area11, love playing minecraft and I am seventeen years old." She chuckled She ended with: "And may the odds be ever in your favour." Parv smiled at the hunger games reference and she lunged into a mock bow. The next girl was a slightly smaller girl with blonde hair down to her knees, the fringe just brushing her eyelashes on her left eye and a shy smile on her lips. She wore a blue top with the text 'Mahogany Doors!' written on it. She had blue eyes and white three quaters lengths on with white vans.

"H-Hi, I'm Shadow, I'm from Sjin's cabin and I like building in minecraft, although I can't build a farm for toffee." She stammered. Sjin smiled kindly at her whilst Sips tried not to laugh at the t-shirt.


Cabin leader descriptions carried on in the next chapter, in somebody elses P.O.V!

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