Chapter 1

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**the beginning**

It was the first day of my senior year. I walked up to the familiar school and right as I got onto the property Lucas came running up to me and placed his arm gently around my hip.

"Hey babe, how are you?" He said sounding genuinely happy today. Which was a change from what he was like regularly. I wonder what was so different about today?

"Pretty good actually. How about you?" I answered as I tucked my long hair behind my ear, and out of my face.

"Well it is the first day of school so what do you think." And with that the happiness was gone. I knew he wasn't very fond of school but on the first day you don't do anything. You just find your classes and get to know the people in your class.

"Lucas, it's only the first day, lighten up!" I smiled but he didn't return it, he just rolled his eyes.

"Haiven, it's still the same hell hole." he mocked me which actually pissed me off quite a bit, so I returned his rolling eyes and shoved his arm off of me stormed off towards my friends.

"Hey Haiven, what's wrong?" Makenzie asked swiping her dark brown locks away from her face, showing her freckles, and beautiful eyes which I was jealous of.

"Lemme guess, Lucas is being a dick as usual?" Alexis growled. They both practically hated Lucas, but they would have to deal with it because he is my boyfriend, not theirs.

"We'll not exactly a dick but just not very nice." I responded being careful with my words, I didn't really understand why though. It's not as if he could hear me. But I could feel his eyes burning deep holes in my back.

"I still don't understand why you keep protecting him? He's done nothing but hurt you! He cheated on you with like 3 girls 2 weeks ago at that party-"

"I know, but he was drunk and wasn't thinking properly. He wasn't thinking..." I cut Alexis off. I don't know why she would bring that up. It was almost like a deep wound had just scabbed over and she sliced it right back open, and it hurt to remember catching by boyfriend with a girl on his lap, a girl sloppily kissing his neck, and a girl sitting beside him playing with his hair and once in a while dragging her fake nails across his crotch area. I felt the tears pricking at my eyes, and they started to blur as I recalled the horrible memory.

I walked away from them, (well more like ran) and into the school as fast as I could. I can't be seen crying on the first day of school.

I rushed into the washroom and I made it just in time because all my tears just poured out right when I got in. I went into a stall and hid on top of the toilet seat. I heard the door to the washroom open and two pairs of feet rush in. I cover my mouth to stifle the sobs.

"Well she's not in here" I hear Alexis sigh.

"Why the hell did you have to bring that up? She was just starting to get over it and forgive him and you had to ruin it didn't you? I mean I don't particularly like Lucas either but I left it alone and you just blurted it out!" and with that I heard Makenzie storm out.

Alexis groaned and stalked out of the tiny wash room.

I quietly stepped off of the toilet seat and unlocked the door, just to be sure she doesn't come back in. When I saw myself in the mirror I actually scared myself. Mascara was running down my face, my cheeks were bright red and so were my eyes, my lip was quivering, and my eyes were puffy. I looked horrifying.

I took a piece of toilet paper and wet it to try and get the mascara off of my face. It worked pretty well but my face was still red and so were my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything about that so I carefully left the bathroom hoping I don't run into anybody un-wanted.

A/N: so this was a shit first chapter but I hope you liked it anyways, I'm not writing a very long authors note cause I'm really tired so it'll be better next time.

Julianna xoxoxox ❤️

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