Chapter 2

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I scurried to my locker and grabbed my books. I could tell my face was still puffy and red but at that moment I didn't really care. I just wanted this day to be done and over with so I can go home and curl up in my bed. Oh how nice it would be to sleep right now.

I was almost to class when I heard someone yell my name. As any person would I looked back to see who it was. Bad choice... I ran right into something hard. I never realized how fast I was walking so the impact made my books and papers fly in the air while I landed on the ground and hit my head on the hard concrete floor. I sat up but got dizzy very quickly and it looked as though I was in a whole other universe as sparkles of different colours flashed in my eyes. They quickly went away but it felt like my brain was bursting out of my head.

I looked to the person who had knocked me down with my eyebrows almost glued together.

"I'm really sorry. Here let me help you up?" The boy lended his hand to me. he was very tall and muscular and quite attractive. Hey you have a boyfriend. You can't be drooling over some random guy!

You can't blame a girl for looking...

I took his (very large and quite soft) hand and he quickly pulled me up as if it were nothing. I rubbed the spot where my head hit the (not so soft) floor. We should have carpets in this school...

He looked to me with a worried expression. "Are you alright? Do you need an ice pack or something?"

"Yeah maybe." I answered squeezing my eyes shut. My head was still pounding.

When I opened my eyes he was down on the ground picking up my books for me. "Look you really don't have to do that." I went to bend down and help him pick them up but it just made my head hurt even more and I dropped to my knees.

"I'm pretty sure I do" he said with I think what was a slight chuckle.

After he picked them up he lended me his hand again and started walking me down the hall away from my class.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked confused and slightly scared. Maybe he's a kidnapper?

"To the nurses office." he stated with a little smirk pulling on to his face.

"No really I think I'm fine-"

"Well obviously your not if you can barely walk. You're leaning on me." He cut me off and when I processed his last words I tried to lean off of him but he held me by the waist close to him so I wouldn't fall. At least that's what I assume.

"Sorry.." I said quietly.

"For what?" he questioned obviously confused.

"For running into you, and for leaning on you, and-"

"It's me that should be sorry. I knocked you down." He cut me off once again. It was getting a bit irritating.

It was silence for the rest of the walk. when we got to the nurses office the un-named boy opened the door for me.

I should ask him that later...

The nurse greeted us and asked me questions like "what happened?" "where does it hurt?" "how bad does it hurt from 1-10?". The boy told her the story and she just nodded and continued questioning me. Every time I looked over at the boy he was staring at me with his green eyes that had a slight glint. They were beautiful. He was beauti- umm I mean they were ugly as fuck, they looked like shit and he looked like he came from the dump... That's better. Right?

After the little investigation she let me go and gave me an ice pack. She told me to take it easy for the rest of the day and I just nodded.

"The names Jake. Jake Johnson." I recognized his name, but I can't remember where from. That was at the back of my mind right now though.

He was staring at me with a smirk on his face that made his dimples pop. Was there something on my face and he wasn't telling me?

"Haiven. Haiven Lancaster." I mocked him as my lips pulled into a smile. He looked at me and acted as if he was hurt by the way I copied him, but he was an awful actor and it almost looked as though he was constipated which made me laugh. He shot a menacing glare but ended up laughing as well.

After we were done our little giggle fit, his expression went serious "Nice name by the way." I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not but I decided to brush it off. I have too many things that I've been worrying about and I don't need more.

A/N: I should probably introduce myself. My name is Julianna Myles. I'm 13 and am an amateur writer so don't be postin hate on this or it'll make me sad :(. I'm really hoping that this book will be as successful as my last, but I ended that one because I simply didn't like the story like and where it was going. (It was also horrible in the beginning, because I was 12 and immature when I wrote it) ok maybe I'm still immature but more mature than I was.... I like tacos...nuff said.

So I really hope you enjoy my book so far, and if not, give me some feed back and some things I could do better to make this a successful book (or just simply stop reading it if you hate it that much)

Julianna xoxoxox

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