Chapter 3

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By the last period I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I have always found math boring and Mr.Devono was really old and talked slow so it kind of just made me more tired. He should retire soon. He looked like he was 60. Frosty white hair, wrinkly and droopy skin. His clothing style reeked of depression and he never seemed to have a smile on his face. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. He has never liked me and always had some kind of rude remark to shoot at me.

You'd think that the first day of school should be all fun and games. But in this school it's different. You have to get right into the education. No meeting your class mates and doing that thing where you go around the class saying your name and maybe your favourite colour. Nope. This school was strict. I'm actually surprised I haven't gotten a detention yet throughout the years of being here.

I guess you could say I was one of those stereotypical 'good girls'. I finished all my work on time, got good grades, showed up to class on time, and didn't do really anything to get in trouble. Well at least that's how the people at my school see me as. But when I'm with my friends I can be quite the bad-ass when I want to be. I may not be going around spray painting things, but yes I've been drunk before and yes I've had my first kiss. Other than that there's not really anything really bad I've done... Okay maybe I am a good girl but at least I'm not a nerd-

"Mrs.Lancaster! Have you been paying attention at all this class?" Mr.Devono shrieked at me and snapped me back to reality.

"Um. yes?" I answered nervously. what was I supposed to say? 'No, you're really boring and you're putting me to sleep.'?

"Oh really, what did I just say?" he put a hand on his pudgy hip and pursed his dry wrinkly lips. I really hated him. Most of you guys say "oh hate is a strong word". If you would have known this teacher for as long as I have you would understand.

"H-have you been paying attention at all this class?" I snarkily replied making the class giggle.

"Mrs.Lancaster I don't appreciate the attitude. Get out of my class. I will talk to you at the end of the period." he sighed and continued teaching. I picked up my books and my bag and headed out the door, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

I defiantly jinxed myself...

I leaned against the wall and banged my head off the wall multiple times. My head was still aching from my fall earlier but I was bored and needed to punish myself for talking back to the teacher that way. I don't know what had gotten into me. I know it's not even that bad but it is for me. A lot of people swear at their teachers and don't care but with me, I don't back talk or anything. I always hold it back. What's so different about today?

'Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,' I repeated over and over each time my head made contact with the cement wall.

I looked to the left of me and saw Jake standing outside of what I was guessing his class room, he was staring right at me. His green eyes had a glint in them as he just stared as I stared back. I thought he would break the gaze first but instead I did and looked down at my small feet clad in black Birkenstalks. I have always loved these shoes. They were very comfy.

I tucked a strand of hair that had fallen in front of my face behind my ear.

A smile pulled onto my face when I felt someone staring at me still.


"What are you staring at?" I whispered as I furrowed my brows but still wore the small smile.

"A beautiful girl." He cooed. My head dropped back down as my cheeks heated up. I tried to cover my blush with my hands and look back at him but when I saw his smirk that I've grown to adore, I dropped my gaze again.

Why am I being so shy? I mean I have a boy friend, I should be telling him off right now. Maybe he's just being friendly. My conscience reminded me. I decided to listen to it since it sounded more reasonable.

When I looked back I jumped back into the wall hitting my back making it sting. He was stood right beside me chuckling as he realized he startled me.

"You scared me!" I smacked him in the chest. My chest was still heaving up and down at the fright he caused me, but it slowed soon enough.

"Ouch!" he yelped rubbing the spot I hit.

Cough. "baby" cough. Mumbled quietly.

"What was that? Did you just call me a baby?" He scowled. I let out a slight giggle, and tried to cover it up with a cough but it didn't seem to work. As he just narrowed his eyes as much as he possibly could.

"Maybe....." I said slowly and quietly. I almost thought he didn't hear me, but then he jumped in front of me and pinned me against the wall.

I thought he was going to hit me or something but then he started tickling me, under the armpits and at my sides.

I started laughing really hard and wriggling around in his grip but it was no use to his strength. "Are you gonna say sorry?" he asked continuing his mini assault. I shook my head quickly from side to side and he tickled me more but this time more effectively. I let out a loud laugh as I tried to make him stop by screaming at him but nothing would come out. I was laughing too hard and I think I was staring to get abs.

"How about now?" I opened my eyes not realizing I had them squeezed shut, to see him biting his lip to hold back a smile but it wasn't working very well as his left dimple was still popped.

"Okay, okay" I breathlessly let out between laughs. I swear I sounded like a dying goat when I laughed...

He let go of me as I slid down the wall still giggling even though he stopped his attack.

"Good girl." he smirked. I looked up at him and not exactly 'checked him out' but just observed him. I never realized how attractive he actually was. He was beautiful.

A/N: hey guys! So I hope you liked this chapter. It had a bit more Jake and Haiven action just for you. I want you guys to pick who you ship more, Jaiven (Jake and Haiven) or Laiven (Lucas and Haiven). You guys can even come up with betted ship named cause mine suck... if you don't know what shipping means it means, which relationship you support more! So you guys can tell me that in the comments. If you want you guys can send me edits and stuff of celebrities you pictured the characters as being and I will take it into consideration. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did please give it a vote and I will be updating as soon as I can!

Julianna xoxoxox

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