Chapter 5

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I must have fallen asleep for a while, as I was awoken to three soft knocks on my door. I shot up and combed my fingers through my hair as it probably looked like a birds nest.

"Come in..." I mumbled wiping under my eyes and seeing little black dots on my fingers from mascara.

I let out a quiet sigh before looking up at him. As soon as I did my mouth slightly parted at his beauty. His perfectly clear face held rose red lips which dawned into a crooked frown. his wavy dark chocolate hair was pushed back, coming down to just behind his ears. His eyes were a bright green, I noticed how they shined in the bright lighting radiating off of my small lamp.

He quickly came over to me and hugged me tightly. These are the kind of people I like. They don't have to ask you the whole story to know what's wrong with you. They just have that instinct. Or maybe it's the makeup all over your face... Hey don't ruin this for me.

The heat radiating off of his body was very comforting as I felt very cold.

"Sorry I called you over in such short notice, it's just that I don't really have anyone else right now..." he nodded

He slowly pulled away and looked at me with a serious face. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"O-okay" I stuttered going over the memory in my head.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." he set his rather large hand on top of mine in a rather soothing gesture.

"No it's okay..." I spoke quietly.

"All of today has just been one big mess," I looked at my ceiling as tears began to brim my eyes. I felt the bed dip as Jake took a seat beside me.

"My friends brought up a bad memory with my boyfriend that I was just beginning to forget, I got angry with them and I basically just lost my two best friends, and I kind of got sexually harassed in Lucas' car..." I said the last part quieter feeling kind of embarrassed, but I felt as though I could tell Jake anything right now.

"I swear to god if he hurt you..." he began to get defensive. There must have been some kind of drama in their past.

"N-no he didn't. He just got a little excited and I couldn't stop him..." I looked down at my hands, too shy to look Jake in the eyes. I don't know why I was telling him all of this but I felt like I could trust him.

"Well just know you're safe now, and that I will always be here for you." he brought me in for another hug, this time I squeezed him tightly.

I felt safe with Jake. Like he was my shield from reality. Protecting me from the world's monsters.

Another tear brimmed my eye this time I let it fall.

After I calmed down a bit we stopped hugging and it was silent. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence though. It was nice.

"Sorry..." I whispered feeling bad for dragging him over here.

"For what?" he furrowed his brows obviously confused.

"For bringing you over here when we barely know each other..." It was true. We only just met today and barely knew anything about each other.

"Well then let's get to know each other. Ask me anything, I will answer as truly as possible." he said smiling slightly.

I looked down in deep thought of a decent question. I backed up to lean against the headboard of my bed so I could concentrate. Jake moved back with me and snaked his arm behind my back and around to my waist. I looked down at my waist confused on his actions and noticed a small black cross tattoo on his left hand that was rested on my hip.

"How many tattoo's do you have?" I asked curious of what he was hiding underneath his clothing. Not in that way....

"Over 40 I think, haven't really counted." he simply answered with a shrug.

I don't know how but I never really noticed the tattoos on him arms. Probably because he's been wearing a leather jacket all day, and they are only just visible now. I looked back down at his hand as my finger slowly neared the small tattoo and traced it with my nail.

I looked back up at him and smiled, "what does it mean?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me.

"I don't really know. The concept just appealed to me." he slightly smiled. I had a large urge to just sit here and learn all of the meanings to his tattoos. We shall do that another time.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as a wave of exhaustion went over me. Long day...

I saw from the upper corner of my eye him look down and smile at me. I brought my head up to smile back at him but then brought my gaze back to my fiddling fingers.

We began sliding down until we were laying on our backs. I shifted my head onto his chest and stared at the ceiling.

"Would you want to get a tattoo anytime?" his raspy voice vibrating his chest as he talked. It was quite soothing.

"I don't know. Depends really. It would have to symbolize something that meant a lot to me." My mind drifting off in thought.

"So..." he started. "what's you're favourite... food!" he enthusiastically said as if he was proud of his phenomenal question.

"I'd have to say tacos." I yawned still tired.

"Are you a little Mexican burrito?" he said as if he were talking to a small child, high pitched and gentle.

"Sure" I rolled my eyes laughing. Jake has got to be the number one person I know to make you laugh, even in one of your most broken of times in life.

"I'd have to say sweet corn and tacos as well are my favourites, but I hate olives..." he made a disgusted noise. I wasn't too fond of olives either. They were too sour and bitter I guess you could say.

"Maybe we should have tacos together sometime." I suggested and giggled lightly.

My eyes fluttered shut as another wave of sleepiness took over me.

*Jake's P.O.V*

"Maybe we should" I smiled just thinking about how great of a time we would have. It's amazing how big of an impact one girl can have on your life. Right when I met her I liked her which was probably since 9th grade, and I want to tell her but god damn Lucas already has her.

He knew I liked her but decided to piss me off by not being himself and stealing my girl. He wasn't a jerk around her so he could act like the nice guy. She can't know that though. She's way over her head in love with him that if I told her just yet it would shatter her. I want her to find out from him, so when he breaks her heart I can mend it back together and she can be mine. Selfish I know but I just love her so damn much and she doesn't even know. She probably doesn't even remember how well I know her.

I have to tell her now or I never will.

"Haiven I really like you." I said quietly afraid she would tell me off. When I looked down she was sound asleep in my arms.

I decided I should let her sleep so I slowly crawled out from underneath her and grabbed the blanket laying on the end of her bed and put it on top of her. As soon as I did she turned on her side and snuggled her head into the soft material.

I took one step towards the door but I wanted to take one more look at her in her peaceful state.

Her curly hair was sprawled all around her head, her perfectly pink lips formed a straight line. There was a small crease on her forehead that I so badly wanted to smooth out. Temptations took over me and I lightly kissed her on the cheek before heading out the door and to my car.

A/N: alright so that was a bit romanticy and I'm sorry if it was boring I felt bored writing it and I promise the next one will be better!!! Omg they both like tacos and I like tacos too!!! We can all be Mexican burritos! Yayyyyyyy. Well anyways back to the point. If you enjoyed this chapter (even though you probably didn't :') then please give it a vote and if you think any of your friends would like this book please get them to read it because I want this book too boom! Okay well my hands are cramping up so I'm gonna have to say goodnight! -Julianna xoxoxox

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