Chapter 6

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QUICK AUTHORS NOTE PLEASE READ: hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've had major writers block and I'm sorry if this chapter is really boring I just couldn't think of anything and knew I had to update so again I'm sorry!!

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and bright light coming through my window. I scrunch my eyebrows together and cover my eyes as I let out a quiet moan.

I hate mornings. Definitely not a morning person.

I rub my eyes before getting out of my comfy bed and head towards the bathroom.

I strip off my clothes and turn the hot water on before slipping in behind the curtain. The steamy water helps soothe my soar muscles. I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes letting the water fall over my body.

I begin to fall asleep and almost fall over but I wake myself up and clean myself.

I jump out of the shower and quickly dry off before going to. Check my phone for the time. It reads "8:00". Well shit. I'm already late for school and it's only the second day.

I run to do my makeup, pick out my outfit and other morning essentials before running out the door and making my way to hell (school).


All of my classes were a drag and felt longer then they actually were. I passed Lucas a couple of times in the hall, him smiling at me while I give him a dirty look and walking away. I'm so confused on what's going on in my life at the moment...

I meet up with Jake for lunch and we sit together at one of the many tables.

"How are you? You know, after what happened." he whispered looking down at his food tray breaking the deep silence between us.

"I'm fine I guess." I shrugged.

"I still don't understand why he would do that. He's such a pig-"

"Can we not talk about this right now..." I cut him off not wanting to remember the incident.

He looked down again as if he was sorry. I feel bad for snapping at him like that but I'm already having a bad day. I'm tired as hell and just don't feel like myself.

"Sorry I just really don't want to discus this at the moment." I gave him a small reassuring smile and he smiled back making his dimples more prominent and the glint return back to his beautiful green orbs.

"I should be the one that's sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." He shyly says scratching the back of his neck. I didn't want to think about what happened last night. I mean Lucas just got a bit out of control and he didn't mean to. I hope at least.

The rest of the day went by painfully slow. From teachers bitching, to the idiots trying to distract me, it was not the most fun day I guess you could say.

Alexis and Mackenzie haven't tried to talk to me at all so far. Just a few sad looks as they passed me in the hall which I ignored. I don't like it when people pity me. When I tell them what's going on in my life they say "oh I feel so bad for you". I don't want them to feel sorrow because of my suffering or misfortune. All I want is empathy. I want people to understand the way I feel.

I walk out of the school as a gust of wind makes my hair fly out of place. I realize I have no ride home. It's about a 45 minute walk home but I have no other choice.

As I walk I think. I think about everything and everyone. I hate it when I think too much.

I remember seeing a boy being picked on by an older guy. The older one being much taller and stronger pushed him over making his lunch tray go all over him. I wish I could have helped but I was too shy and scared to speak up. I hate that. I remember when I was being bullied. I would be shoved into lockers, called names, tripped in the hallways, sometimes even punched, but then Lucas came and told the bully off and helped me. Then we started dating and here we are a year and a half later.

I have to remember to appreciate those things. The things everyone has done for me. I need to talk to Lucas.

Just on cue I see from the corner of my eye Lucas' black truck pull up beside me.

He rolls his window down popping his head out "You need a lift?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No I'm fine. Really." I had to almost yell because the wind was picking up.

"Are you sure? It looks like a storm is coming." He said looking up making me look up as well seeing the dark clouds starting to cover the bright sun. I rolled my eyes and ran around to the passenger seat.

A/N: sorry I have to cut it kind of short but I have to go to bed because I have school tomorrow... Blahh. But I'm skipping school on Friday so suck on that! Omg I had tacos for dinner and it was amazing... Woah okay so Haiven hates a lot of things just if you didn't notice. okay well I love you guys so much! Please vote and recommend this ok to your friends and I'm celebrating 50 reads!! I know it's not much but it's a good start! I love you so much (again) and I'll try to update soon!

Julianna xoxoxo xoxoxox

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