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This is the first real poem I ever wrote, and i gotta say.. I'm not proud of it. 

What did I ever do to you, where did I go wrong

Why did I lose your love and why has it bin so long

I did not mean to hurt you, I did not mean to kill

I don't know what I really did, but I know it makes me ill

To see you from a far off place, to know I lost your trust

To know that I can never be enough

How did I lose that, how can I get it back

Can I even? Perhaps I'll never know.

I wish I could make it up to you, I wish I could fix the broken

But nowhere in this ice I have, can I find the token

The key to better things, to things I'll never feel, to things that could heal

Could heal this crack, this tare in my soul

The pain I feel, the blame I take, but please, please...

This peace alone I cannot make

This reason, this purpose of heart

These I lost forever, and I cannot bring them back

At least... Not without help... but only on person can help me I think...

He alone can take me there, he alone can heal me

But I lost him, I lost his love..

I lost his trust, I lost his faith

And there is no way I know to fix the break

So drown me, lose me, kill the pain

The pain in this wretched heart, this chunk of ice

This piece of forsaken stone that holds no place for emotion

How can I continue on my own?

How can I go on alone?

I cant

I can't make it to the other side

I'm lost in darkness, one solitary point of heat, fading fast, going cold

But light.. faint light..

Could it be? No. No hope for me, not in this deepness, not in this place

And yet... And yet it is there, another faint point, and pain..

Pain more intense than ever imagined, pain unanticipated, pain unexpected

Sharp and hard and too real, but now I am interested

So I look, I reach out, I touch and i feel, and i lose my mind

To a place they can never again find

I am gone, I am lost, but no longer alone

This other point has come with and we search for a home

May be we will find one, may be we will die

But this other point saved me and to him I will cry

And I will be there for him, I will stand strong

And we'll go on forever, as long and as long

As it takes to make peace, peace with our souls

Then we'll live, and we'll die, and we'll bury our bones

And the world will turn on, as long and as long

As the people inside it find points of their own

For this is the way that we heal ourselves, this is the reason we try

To find the right point, and then to live, and then after that, we'll die

And we hope we have left a tale, a story or two for our children to tell

A legacy, a legend, and a rumour from hell

But our bones have bin buried, our past bin retold

And the world goes on turning

And we can do nothing, for this is the end

The end of our lives, the end of our era, the end of our time

The end of it all, and we wait for the day when we can have peace

And sleep for eternity, and never have pain

Never again

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