Stars to Sky

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So he dosent know it, and I didn't even know it till after this was written but I wrote this for my brother, and actually the first line is something he wrote and that's how this poem started in the first place. But this is to you, and now you know who you are..

I don't want to die, unless i'm alive

Said the stars to the sky, on the cold winter's night

When the earth saw you fly, and the sea saw you dive

To the highest of hights, and the deepest of nights

So the sky said to stars, at this coldest of times

Then why are you living? What reason dyou stay?

And the stars did reply, with not one thing to say

For the sky is the reason, they thought to themselves

On that darkest of evenings, round the hour, twelve

As they float through the sky, and wander it's depths

The stars they will cry, and loose things long kept

As they battle the daylight, and give in to sleep

Far, far over your head in the nighttime so deep

The stars, they are wrapped in the arms of the sky

And this is the reason that they'll never die.

As the earth watched this scene, with the tears of the stars

She noticed that sky had opened it's arms

And had taken the earth into it's deep embrace

But the earth was aware, along with these facts

That the sky couldn't hold all it tried to attract

But still it pushed on, and the effort was great

Till the earth watched the sky drifting through the pearl gate

And she said to herself, sky, you've done a good thing

But you just can't hold onto every miniscule dream

And the sky knew her thoughts, and replied with a touch

And the earth was assured, this is what the sky does

But it was working to hard now, and it couldn't go on

But decided to take one more presence along

And this new thing it found, was to big for the sky

And the earth with despair, assumed it would die

But with shock in her eyes, the earth soon discovered

That this new addition helped sky to recover

And continue it's efforts throughout all these places

Helping to comfort and lift forlorn faces

The sky could draw back, from the white pearly gate

And continue to help Universe to create

New peices of poem, and places to be.

The next story they wrote, began in the sea

And this new beginning is what brought you here

To this place and these people, these thoughts and the feel

And you ask what I mean, when I speak of the sea

And I say that I mean that it's never the same

Always dependable for eventual change

Creating, destroying. A primeval force

Treating all things with one manner of choice

Yet always it's there, reflecting the sun

And after the chaos, a new times' begun

The sky and the stars, the sun and the sea

And always the watcher, the earth in her dream

A sanctuary for random thoughts and a home

For those of eventual chaos their own

A firm resting place among the sad stars

Who whispered that line to the sky long ago

And started this story for me and you to know.

I don't want to die unless I'm alive

Said the stars to the sky..

pEoms **COMPLETED**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora