Several pEoms

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(this is more then one poem)

~~~~~~~~ life with no fight 

A dawn with no light

A life with no fight,

Sound without music

Sight without magic.

A girl is alone,

She sits by a phone,

She waits for the call,

The worst call of all.

A boy is alone,

He listens to tone,

He sits on a wall,

He hears the birds call.

A dawn with no light,

A life with no fight,

Sound without music,

Sight without magic.

A father at home,

The boss man in Rome,

He fights his battles,

Stifles his rattles.

A mother at home,

Woman of the dome,

Looked out for little,

Listened to prattle.

A dawn with no light,

A life with no fight,

Sound without music,

Sight without magic.

~~~~~~~~~ suicide

The sudden ease,

The touch of death.

Sitting at this table,

A beating in my chest.

The instant loss,

The lure, nothing.

The moment I die,

The pain of loving.

When the glass breaks,

When the crowd fades,

And my body lays alone..

(I lost the life I might've known) 

~~~~~~~~ fake

My fingers shake,

With feelings fake.

A debt acquired,

From demons hired.

A pain they make,

My soul to break.

But I am strong,

I must go on.

They search my mind,

But can not find.

No secrets take,

This is not fake.

~~~~~~~~ cube

Cube in the hands of Boy,

Sitting across the room,

Is much moor then a toy,

Is his own way to prove.

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