pEom 6

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I've seen a girl,

I know her hidden life,

She doesn't wanna last,

But I know what stays the knife.

I've seen a boy,

He's more off track then her,

He's lost, hating life,

But loving her...

I've seen a pair,

A lost pair of birds,

Both with broken wings,

Both using their words.

These two,

These two lost lights,

Smothered in the dark,

Alone through the nights.

But they can live,

They could last,

But the world is their enemy,

Fighting the past.

But still they hold on,

And still they try,

Her for him, him for her

And mayhaps a life.

I see these two birds,

I feel their pain,

I know the alone,

Alone on the empty plane.

I know they could last,

If only they chose,

If they took life fast,

If they took life slow.

Forever might hit them,

If they so chose,

To make a decision,

The world can't oppose.

But they're both young,

With minds they can't understand,

And as they go through,

They fight the same sand.

They kill the same beast,

They fight the same battle,

They move the same way,

They drive the same cattle.

And if they decided,

And if life went on,

They might soon discover,

That others are young.

And life could be good,

And he could be happy,

And she could learn love,

And they'd make others happy.

And then die together,

After a good life,

Not in the agony,

Not all alone.

He would know full life,

She would know full love,

And they'd leave stories,

And head for above.

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