pEoms 4

178 4 1

You know that you aren't good enough

You know that if they saw you they would run.

You know that you are utterly alone

You know that you're the only one.

And you're set in your ways

Comfortable in your place.

Steady in the life you chose

Used to your own worthless face.

But they insist.

Driving the spikes.

Your soul riddled with holes.

And they insist,

Giving you pain

Calling it "help."

But you don't need their help.

You don't need their antidotes.

You know.


Or at least..

You knew....

Their seeping poison

Their "helpful" words

Taking you

Stealing you away into daydreams.

"Maybe I am.. maybe I could be good enough.."

And now your center is gone

Your false hopes took you from the life.

You're lost

Lost in a world of contradictions.

Your good enough. I'm good enough.

You're not good enough. You're too good.

What is good? How can I be that? Do I want to be that.

No. No I want to be me.

I used to be me.

Why did I lose me?

Why did I fall?

And why can I not call?

They took me to the end.

But I don't want to bend.

I'll never fly, so why can't I just die?

They wont let me..

I'm chained, stuck.

This sucks..

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