Thanks guys.

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So I was going to write a poem specially for the end of this book, but nothing is coming to me right now, so I guess I'll just say thanks to anyone who read the whole thing. You are AWESOME. 

And thank you to the people who inspire me to write. 

My brother. Best thing that happened to me in my 13th year. Awesome guy. Helped me a lot through thick n thin n actually he's the one who made me meet my now boyfriend. Thank you bro. I owe you a lot. My life included. 

My boyfriend, who helps me stay sane every day of my life, best thing that happened to me ever. I owe you my life as well, and i owe my sanity to you. Sorry im so much of a pain, but thank you for always being there for me. I'm sorry I didn't notice you on my own, but I'm glad that I got you in the end, even tho I suck. (Also, random people reading this, you should all go read his stuffs. @EmptyBastion) 

Thank you to my sister/cousin, who has been with me since we were like, born.. She has even put me into one of her poems. (Shes @di11pick1e, you people should read her too) You've helped me through a lot sis. Luv u. 

Too Nessa, who, I don't think has a wattpad account. I have a story going in a google doc, and I shared it with her. It would have died long ago had she not asked for more of it to read. Thanks gurlie. 

To my parents, for not taking my tablet. Can't say where I'd be without it.. The music on it, the storys on it.. The only way to contact my bf... (Who they don't know about lol) 

And thank you to Daniel. He doesn't have a wattpad either, as far as I know, but he writes amazing poetry. He's helped me many times, being like my only friend for a while at a group I go to. Thanks Daniel.

And to Katie, who Also dosnt have wattpad. As far as I know at least. For being the second friend I have at that place. She stuck with me through the whole thing with the girl who went screwy on me. I'll admit, I hated Katie for a very long time, and actually, just recently I found out that she hated me through that time as well. But now we're good friends, I think. Thanks to you Katie. 

Thank you to all the people who have helped me that I can't mention for the amount of you. 

And then thank you to wattpad, for existing for me to write my shit and to read other peoples stuff. 

Then thanks to all the people reading this. You all are awesome. 

(Please don't hate on me...) LOL. 😉😉😊😂😂 💙luv u all. 

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