Battle of the Nations

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The temperature started to rise and they started to saw Mananaksil's country. When they are near the seaside they saw a great number of soldiers which is being led by Paco. They cannot come nearly due to the advantage of the enemy in Gibut's defenses against ships. They planned to go to the other seaside but they saw a great number of ships coming near them from the both sides cornering them in the middle, pushing them to come closer to the Gibut's defenses. Kamiko told them his plan.

Kamiko: "We need to divide our ships into three groups. The first group fires the seaside so that we can board on land safely. The other two groups attack the ships and push them away. We are now outnumbered and without Taot's fighting skills we are totally outmatched. Gaffu and Malo, you two lead the ships to fight the enemy ships while I am creating our way to board into that island."

The two Datus agree with his plan but Malo warn Kamiko.

Malo: "this will not going to be easy."

Kamiko: "I know."

Malo: "The rocks near the seaside are our main defense and the archery was the second defense."

Kamiko: "Thanks for the info but this attack will going to destroy your Gibut."

Malo: "It is already destroyed by the enemy. Destroy it so that it will be for the city who only wants peace."

Kamiko quickly knew how to destroy the defense. He will going to destroy the top hierarchy of the defense to the lower hierarchy. Kamiko ordered the ships to not go near the seaside and start destroying the rocks. Paco started to order his archery to attack the ships but their arrows cannot come any closer to the ships. Paco ordered his people to prepare for the attack. Their defense started to fall and Paco felt a little worry. Gaffu and Malo throw gases to the sea forming an oval before the enemy ships and they start to fire it up. The enemy ships cannot come any closer to them forcing them to retreat. Paco retreats while leaving his people in defens position. The Datus' ships starts bombing the seaside until they reach it and started to board in it. Paco returned to the man with the black cape. They planned to attack and give the Datus their final battle.

Kamiko ordered the two datus to continue without him. He told them that as soon as the fire goes out in the sea they're will be in great danger and surely be cornered by the enemy. The two Datus agreed and change their plan immediately. After days of preparation they received a message from Gagi's eagle. Gagi told them that Baguo was still fine after a short war against Puta country. The Datus' immediately started to retrive again the tribes one by one. They have a difficulty in defeating the tribes due to they are outnumbered. But their soldiers were starting to increase in amount because of the reuniting of their fallen and missing people to them.

They are now in their final battle. They saw a huge city. This one city was the combicity of the three big citys in panga. They were totally outnumbered. The man with the black bear cape mocks them and he introduced himself to them.

Man: "It is I Suko Toli! The one who brought war through citys and start conquering them one by one just like what you did yesterdays."

Malo: "We are not like you Demon. We didn't conquering them. We are retrieving their land for them."

Suko: "And for what reason? You are just wasting your time. You are just wasting your lives. Look at your soldiers; they are all scared because they knew that their lives were in great danger. I am now giving you an opportunity. Surrender and you will all live."

Gaffu; "it will not going to happen. It is better to die fighting for our dignity, for peace and for mankind and not in your hands."

Suko: "Even you like it or not, you will all going to die in my hands."

Gaffu: "We will see about that."

Suko: "see it in your eyes, we are a huge city. We can again conquer those tribes that you retrieve after we kill all of you. Look behind you."

They saw fire from far near the seaside.

Suko; "My right hand Paco was already cornered your ships and killed all of your people. Now they are going to retrieve the tribes and those lands in our hands again. All of your effort was useless."

Malo; "My brother is your right hand?"

Suko: "Oh he didn't tell you? I am the one who uses him in my plans. With his abilities and hunger for war I opened the door for him. Look at him now; he can conquer a city including your Gibut."

Malo; "Damn you, what have you done to my brother!"

Suko: "Your brother is the one that tell me to kill you!"

Malo: "I will going to kill you!"

Gaffu and the soldiers hold Malo

Gaffu: "Remember the plan. He is using your emotions to control you.'

Malo calmed himself

Malo: "I forgot thanks."

Suko: "You are not going to surrender aren't you? Then you like the hard way and the death way huh?"

Malo: "I will put the death way infront of you faggot!"

Suko: "Then prepare to die"

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